You have a mental break down

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Louis:(age:15): You got back from, school you were done with the day you had a horriable day, you failed your test your friends were dragging you into drama, and you missed your mom a lot today and to top it all off you had to walk home from school alone. You walked inside and closed the door and slid down it and just cried and cried. Someone picked you up and brought you into the living room and sat you on the couch you looked up and saw Louis and the boys. Liam asked "what happened?" you said "I can't do this anymore I miss My mom, I failed a test and my friends are dragging me into their stupid drama and school was just horrible today I can't live this way I need her here with me." You started crying harder and harder your chest tighten Louis hugged you tightly and said "shh it will all be okay we'll help you through this it'll get better." You nodded then you guys watched a movie but even during the movie you started crying because you were thinking of you mom you couldn't do this it was so hard for you and louis knew he just cuddled with you the rest of the night.

Liam(age:16): You were sick of the haters and you were sick of the people at school that was hating on you too. You just wanted to go home, Once you got home you saw Harry and ran to him he caught you and you just cried he said "hey What's wrong?" You said "the haters are all to much for me I can't do this anymore I'm done with everything I want to leave this world."He hugged you and brought you to the living room were all the boys were and your brother Harry explained what was going on,Liam hugged you and said "we'll put a stop to this don't worry it'll be alright." You just cried until you fell asleep when you woke up you were in your room. You walked back downstairs and sat next to Niall he hugged you and said "we got it all resolved don't worry." You said "thank you guys." He said "no problem."Then you watched TV the rest of the night.

Niall:(age:17): you boyfriend cheated on you again you gave him a second chance and he hurt you again and then the girl was rubbing it in your face you couldn't take it so you left school and ran all the way to the studio were Niall was you said "I can't do this anymore I'm done with boys I'm done with everyone you are not making me going back to that hell I can't I physically can't I'm done with everyone there ." Niall hugged you tightly and said "calm down and explain to us what happened." You said "he cheated on me again and the girl was rubbing it in my face." Niall tighten but hugged you while you cried you cried for a long time you were heartbroken. You just stayed with Niall the rest of the day, he called your school tell them you were sick and he took you home you went home niall was with you the rest of the day.

Harry:(age:13): you gave  your ex best friend another chance you thought it was all going well until you were at your house and she saw your brother and the boys and 5SOS boys you said "leave I knew you didn't change how could I be so stupid to think you did."She left without saying a word and you just cried and said "I can't believe how stupid I was to believe that she changed I knew she didn't." Harry hugged you and said "don't worry you don't have to see her ever again." You were so upset you weren't ok you just cried for hours and hours you couldn't handle this Harry was with you the whole time until you were ok again.

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