Personal for Milla

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                            Milla's POV
I was home alone on Twitter when my brother's girlfriend came in. She said "back off from Louis." I said "excuse me?" She said "you heard me back off he's mine and you have to deal with it." I say "okay I'm not trying to get with my brother that is just wrong in so many ways." She said"just leave him alone and I don't want to see you near him ever again." Then she left I was speechless I couldn't believe she would think I was dating my own brother that's just wrong. Louis got home and said "hey kiddo what's up." And sat next to me I said "hey your girlfriend came over a few minutes ago." He said "oh what did she want?" I said "she had a question to ask you." He said "okay."

Then he went up to his room, a hour later his girlfriend came back and said "I told you to leave him alone stop spending time with him!!" I said "he's my brother I can spend time with him if I want too you can't tell me what to do!!!" She said "oh yes I can because he's mine he will never be yours!!!" I said "I don't want him to be mine I'm 16 years old and we're related!!!" Louis came down and she put on a act and said "hi Louis." He said "leave." She said "but Louis I didn't do anything." He said "leave you don't ever yell at my sister we're over I never want to see you again. She stomped out of the house and slammed the door I said "thanks Lou." He said "no problem no one treats my sister that way ever." He hugged me and we watched a movie together for the rest of the night I was happy Louis was there to protect me.

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