You're in a school school shooting

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Louis:(age:12): you were in school and you notice your friend wasn't there you texted her asking her were she is. She didn't respond you knew she had a tough family life at home and that some kids here picked on her then you saw her and she had tears streaming down her face you walked over to her and said "what happened?" She said "my parents got a divorce and the girl's beat me up wrose today and my brother threatened to kill himself I can't take this place anymore or this school so I'm going to do what's best for me." She pulled out a gun I gasped and said "don't." She said "I'm sorry I have to this is the only way." She shot it at the wall that sent everyone into panic you were scared but said "we can talk about this." She said "there's nothing to talk about now go in the corner or I'll hurt you." You backed away from her into your best guy friend who took you into his arms protecting you and he said "yfn what are you thinking." She said "that's it I'm not because I know what I'm doing and this is the best thing I can do I'm going to get my revenge."

Then she left the teacher locked the door and turned off the lights and told you all to be quiet you were sobbing into your guy friend he said "you're going to be okay." Then you heard more shoots fired from outside your best guy friend covered your ears and covered you then she broke down the door and said "give me your cell phones all of you!!!" We did what she said then she said "you guys will be my prisoner you'll stay in here and not say a word if you say a peep you get hurt." You said "yfn please don't do this." She said "shut up!!" And shot towards you and missed thank goodness you were hyperventilating at this point and shaking your best guy friend held you tight she said "now you guys stay here and I'll be back." She left again and then the teacher put desk on the door and then there was banging on the door and the police said "this is the police open up." The teacher opened the door and saw it was the police and they said "come with us quietly with your hands behind your head." We got up and walked quietly while taking our cellphones we walked quickly and quietly to the door and we got out safely you saw your mom,dad,brother and his friends You ran over to them and they hugged you your mom said "are you okay did she hurt you?" Looking you over and checking to see if your Ok You said "I'm fine just a little shooken up that's all." Louis and the others hugged you too and said "your safe now." You said "I know but I'm still terrified for yfn because she's the one that did this." Your dad said "well she won't get away with this." You said " I know."

Then you went over to the ambulance and they checked you over and said you were good to go. You got in the car and drove home there were a lot of people there who were worried about you when they saw you were fine they hugged you and you were still terrified this will scar you for the rest of you're life.

Liam:(age:13): it was a normal day in school you were just heading to your locker to get your things for your class. You and your friends were heading to class when this guy you knew that your friend rejected came over to her with a gun and said "I told you, you would pay." Your friend said "please don't." He said "begging won't stop me." He shot her in the head you gasped and dropped everything that sent everyone into panic mode he took you and your other friends to a empty class room where there were other people in there too. He said "give me your cellphones."you guys did what he told you too do. He said "if any of you say a word you die got it?" We all nodded to scared to say anything you were shaking you were terrified right now the image in your head of your friend getting shot keeps on playing in your head you watched your friend died and now you were in the room with her killer you glared at the guy who was still in the room and whispered "your a big fat asshole." He said "what did you call me."and came towards you. You said "I said your a asshole that's why she didn't go out with you!!!" He said "now you've just cost your own life." He shot the gun you were waiting for the bullet but it never at you, you looked down and saw a guy on the floor holding his arm you gasped and quickly took out a shirt you had in you bag and wrapped it around his arm. The guy said "anyone else has anything to say!!!" Everyone was quiet he said "that's what I thought now you guys are going to stay here while I finish what I'm doing."

He then left and you quickly got up and got your phone and same with the others you turned off the light and the other boys in the room helped you put the desk against the door then you guys hid in the coner and didn't make a sound then there was pounding on the door and then someone broke it down you guys still didn't say anything until the person said "this is the police come with us and don't say a word and put your hands behind your back." You guys followed them out of the school you saw Liam your mom, your dad, and the boys you ran over to them and your mom and dad hugged you tightly and said "your okay? Are you hurt?" You said "I'm fine just terrified." Liam hugged you tightly and so did the others you said "I watched my friend die in there she was the first one he shot." You just cried into Liam's shirt then you went over to the ambulance and they said you were free to go. You got home and saw a lot of people there that was worried about you, you guys just talked but you were still terrified.

Niall:(age:14): you were in the middle of taking a test in your English clsss it was quiet until you heard a gun shoot and screams. You and the rest of the class ran to the back of the room the teacher turned off the lights and put the desk against the door you were breathing heavily. You were so scared you turned off your phone and quietly sat there with the rest of your class you were praying that you were servie this but you knew that you wouldn't want to come back here ever again and you knew that you were scared for life now.

There was banging on the door then someone broke in down and ran in you guys tried not to scream then the person said "you guys are alright we're the police just follow us quietly." We walked out with our hands behind our heads and we got out of the school and you saw Niall and the boys and your parents and ran over to them and Niall hugged you and said "you okay?" And checked you over you said "yeah I'm fine but I'm never coming back here I'm scared now." He said "don't worry you won't be coming back here for a while."

Then you went over to the ambulance and they checked you over they said you were fine and feee to go you just sat with Niall and the boys and watched tv but all that was on was the shooting so you guys turned it off and just talked.

Harry:(age:15):you were in the bathroom doing your business when you heard gun shoots in the hallway you gasped and locked the bathroom door and the stall door you got up on to the toliet and quietly sat there you were terrified then you heard someone trying to get into the bathroom then the door was broken down you were breathing heavily someone was opening all the doors they opened yours and you almost scream but the person said "your safe I'm a police officer come with me." You followed him and then put your hands behind your head and walked out of the school building you saw your mom, dad, sister and brother you ran over to them and hugged them harry hugged you tightly and so did the boys he said "are you okay?" You said "yeah just terrified."

Then he brought you over to the ambulance and they said you were free to go you knew you weren't coming back to this place for a long time you were scared.

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