You have to get blood taken

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Harry:(age:16): you hated getting your blood taken Harry was driving you there you said "Harry I can't do this." He said "love you can do this." You guys walked in and you sat on the chair and looked at Harry he said "focus on me and breath." You nodded they took your blood and then you felt light head they gave you some water and Harry said "see now you can save someone's life." You said "yeah it felt good but i still can't stand it." He said "I know."

Niall:(age:17): you weren't feeling well so they had to take some blood you walked in with Niall and say "I can't do this you know I hate this." He said "you'll be find hold my hand and look at me the whole time." You nodded and sat in the chair and looked at Niall the whole time and just talked to him thy were done then they gave you some water. Niall said "now we jut have to wait and see what the results say." You nodded happy to have that done with.

Louis:(age:15): you really didn't want to do this but you were doing it for your friend who needs blood you sat in the chair and Louis held your hand and said "you'll be fine." You looked at him and talked to him the whole time then they were done gave you some water and Louis helped you walked out because you were light headed he said "I'm proud of you."you said "yeah I'm happy I can help my friend." Louis gave you a side hug and you guys went home.

Liam:(age:14): you had to give blood and you weren't please. Liam said "focus on me and you'll be fine." You nodded the whole time Liam was talking to you and you focused on him. After they were done you and Liam left and he said "was it that bad." You said "no it wasn't that bad."he said "told you." You rolled your eyes and you guys went home and watched movies.

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