Another boy saves you

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Louis(age:13): you and Liam where walking around the city it was just you and him day today you were walking on the edge of the side walk even know Liam told you to be careful and he really thought you shouldn't be doing that when all of a sudden a car served towards you, you gasp and freeze as the speeding car comes towards you Liam grabs your arm and pulls you towards him the car then serves off and drives away your heart was pounding out of your chest you were breathing heavily liam said "your okay your safe your okay and that's why you don't do that." Trying to catch his own breath, you guys head back to your house where the other boys were you ran to Louis and hugged him and said "I'm sorry for everything I know I didn't do anything but I love you so much." He was so confused then you explained to him what happend and he hugged you tightly and you said "Liam's my hero." Louis said "yes he is thank you mate for legit saving her life." Liam said "I would do anything for her to keep her safe." You smiled at him happy to have him.

Niall(age:15): you were walking home from a party with your friends it was dark out too you really thought you guys should have taken a cab but your friends insisted that you guys would be fine walking. You guys felt like someone was following you, you guys turned Around and saw a man coming towards you guys, you guys ran as fast as you could the man was catching up to you guys, you guys were running bare foot because you guys were wearing heels and your heels were in your hand then someone with a car pulled up to you guys and said "get in." With out any second thoughts you guys hopped in it was Harry you were heavily breathing your heart was pounding he dropped your friends off at their houses and then took you home he got out and so did you, you hugged him tightly and said "thank you thank you, you saved our lives." He hugged you tightly and said "no problem and no more walking in the dark by yourself okay?" You said "yeah I got it." You guys walked into your house and told Niall what happened he thanked Harry and said to you "your never walking alone in the dark again you understand ." You said "yeah I know I won't."Then you got changed and watched a movie with him and Harry.

Harry(age 17): A man got you as you were walking back home from your friend's house and brought you in a ally you were screaming so loud hopping someone would hear you  you heard footsteps running towards you it was Niall he pushed the guy off of you and was about to call the police but the guy ran off before he could, Niall ran over to you and said "are you okay?" You heavily breathed out "yeah I'm fine." He said "did he..." You said "no he was about to but then he saw you, you saved me thank you." He hugged you tightly and said "no problem love."

He then brought you home you got there and Harry ran to you and said "where have you been?" You said "I was walking home when a man got me a brought me into a ally and almost  rapped me but Niall saved me but sadly the man got away before Niall could call the police." Harry said "thank you mate for saving her." He said "anything for her she's like a little sister to me too I'll always be there to protect her and save her." You smiled and hugged him then you went upstairs got changed and put your pjs on the you Guys just watched tv you were so happy Niall was there to save you.

Liam:(age: 17): you were walking home from work when a guy came up behind you, you screamed he covered your month and ran with you. You kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and ran and didn't look back you saw Louis and said "help me a guy is chasing me!!!" He saw the guy and he said "get in the car!!!" You hopped in and he drove away. You caught your breath and said "thank you lou." He said "no problem did he hurt you?" You said "no but he grabbed me and tried to put me in a van." He said "thank goodness I was there just in time." You said "yup thank you for saving my life." He said "no problem." He brought you home and explained everything to Liam, liam said "I'm picking you up From work for now on." You said "okay sounds perfect ."

Then went to get changed into your pjs then you went downstairs and watched a movie with them.

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