You get sexually abused from your boyfriend and a 5sos boy find out

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Louis:(age:16): you had your second boyfriend your first boyfriend abused you so you didn't date for a while and then you finally let this one guy in because he seemed like a amazing guy right you were wrong he only wanted you for sex and he would force you to have it with him and you didn't like that you wanted to get out of this relationship so bad but he wouldn't let you. You were with your friends and you got a call from him asking you where you were and you said with friends and he told you to come home you said "no I'm with my friends right now I'll be home soon." And you hung up on him you knew this made him mad but you didn't care you walked to his house and walked in he had his friend over little did you know it was calum from 5sos you gasped when you saw calum he said "hey yn what are you doing here?" You said "hi I was just here to see ybn." Calum said "are you two a couple?" You said "yeah we are." Calum turned to him and said "if you do what you did to your last girlfriend to her I'll have you head." He said "dude I've changed." You said "what happened with his last girlfriend?" Calum looked at ybn and ybn said "nothing sweetheart." You made a face when he said that calum gave you a look you said "it's nothing." And looked down at your feet.

Then ybn said "let's go talk in my room for a bit." You knew what that meant and you said "but you have a friend over don't want to intrude on that." He said "he'll be fine come on." He took your hand and you looked back at calum for help he knew right away what he was planning and said "oh hell no you don't." Calum came over to you and hugged you tightly and he said to ybn "you don't deserve me as a friend or her as a girlfriend they will press charges like the last one did good bye ybn have a nice life in jail." You just cried into his chest he said "why didn't you leave him darling?" You said "I tried he didn't let me." He said "don't worry this will all end now that I'm involved with this and once your brother finds out that kid will be dead." You nodded you got to your house and you guys walked in the boys were there and so were the other 5sos boys and Louis said "hey I thought you were hanging out with ybn." You cringed at that name Harry notice and said "is everything ok with you two?"You said "um calum can you please explain I seriously can't it just hurts so much like why do boys do this to me I don't trust any boys anymore beside you guys and that's it." Louis said sternly "Calum please explain now what the hell happened this time." He said "my friend or ex friend who was her boyfriend at the time who has a history of sexuality abusing girls did that to her he's not my friend anymore." Louis hugged you and said "I'll be back." He left with Liam and you stayed with the others and just watched movies the rest of the night until Louis came back and said "don't worry you won't see him ever again." You said "thank you guys so much for being here for me." Liam said "we all love you like a sister no one will ever hurt you again." You smiled happy to have them in your life these are the only boys you need in your life.

Liam:(age:17): your boyfriend was with his friend today which you were greatful for but little did you know his friend was luke and the boys plus 5sos were all at your house you were hoping to not see him today you tried breaking up with him the night before because he was sexually abusing you but he wouldn't let you leave you walked into the house and noticed all the boys playing video games you notice your boyfriend and gasped and ran upstairs into your room and you locked the door hoping he didn't notice you. You were heavily breathing and your heart was pounding you heard a knock on the door you said "I'm changing." That was a lie the person said "it's Luke I know your in there and I know your not changing." You opened the door and it was him he said "everything ok? You took off pretty quickly once you saw ybn."You lied and said "yeah everything's fine I just really had to go to the bathroom that's all." He said "oh ok want to come join us?"You said "yeah sure I will."You walked downstairs the only seat was next to your boyfriend who you really wanted to be your ex boyfriend but he wouldn't let you you sat next to him and he started rubbing your leg you tried moving closer to Luke and luke saw you were uncomfortable he said "dude don't do that she doesn't like that take ques." Your boyfriend said "dude she's my girl I can do what I want to her she's mine." Luke raised a eyebrow at him and said "leave now before we all beat the shit out of you don't ever touch her again and you can't do whatever you want to girls we're pressing charges too I never want to see you again this friendship is over and she's not yours anymore!!!!"Your ex now left you let the breath go that you didn't even know you were holding and said "thank you so much I tried to leave him last night he wouldn't let me leave him." Luke said "I know his history with girls tell me did he sexually abuse you?" He gave you a stern look and You nodded Liam said "why didn't you tell us this earlier yn?" You said "I was afraid ok but it doesn't matter now because he's out of our lives now right." Liam said "just tell us when it's happens ok." You said "ok."

Then you guys continued to play video games you were so happy to have these boys around to keep you safe.

Niall:(age:18): your boyfriend was a alcoholic and he would take advantage of you every day and night you wanted to leave him but he wouldn't let you one day Niall was throwing a party and your boyfriend was there because Ashton was friends with him and invited him to come he notice that you weren't comfortable with him meaning your boyfriend he asked him if you guys were ok he said yes of course but you said "no we're not ok he takes advantage of me and I want to leave him but he won't let me leave him and he's a alcoholic ." Ashton said "dude your going back to jail leave now and this friendship is over for good now you can't keep on doing this to girls this is no way you treat girls especially her now you have less than a second to leave before her brother me and my band mates plus his hurt you and this will be wrose than the others." Niall said "if you don't leave in a second you'll get punched in the face in 0.2 seconds." He left and Niall hugged you and said "you won't have to see him ever again and tell us if this ever happens again." You said "good thanks and I will don't worry." He said "no problem sis." He was the only boy you needed in your life and same with the others.

Harry:(age:17): you were so thankful your boyfriend was with his friend today you didn't have to see him today thank gosh you didn't like him at all because he would take advantage of you and you tried breaking it off with him but he wouldn't let you leave him cause he wanted to take advantage of you but you didn't want that at all. Little did you know Harry had the boys and 5sos boys over and little did you know your boyfriend was friends with Michael so you walked in and you heard someone say your name it was your boyfriend you got sick to your stomach you ran to the bathroom and got sick right then and there you walked out and came face to face with your boyfriend you said "what do you want?" He said "I was going to the loo is that a problem love?" And he rubbed your shoulder you ran into the living room and said "why is he here meaning ybn?" Michael said "I'm friends with him do you have a problem with him?" You said "yes I do he takes advantage of me I can't take it anymore I tried leaving him he wouldn't let me leave him I can't live this way anymore Mikey I need your help." You started crying Michael hugged you and said "he has a history of doing this don't worry he'll be out of your life for good in a moment." When your ex boyfriend walked in Michael said "get the hell out we're done being friends and you guys are done you can't do this to girls have fun in jail and they are pressing charges." He left you were happy to have Michael and the boys there to protect you.

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