He goes to your dance Competition

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Louis:(age:13): You had a dance competition today and this one was special too you because this is Louis's first time seeing you perform. You were nervous then it was your turn you had a solo performance you took a deep breath and stepped out on the stage you saw Louis and the rest of your family, The music started and you started your dance at the end the crowd went wild. You walked backstage and Louis was there you ran to him and he hugged you and said "you did amazing." You said "thank you." You were happy he was there.

Liam:(age:14): you were doing Your first solo performance and you were so happy Liam could make it. It was your turn they turned on the music and you began. You finished and bowed the crowd cheered you went backstage and saw Liam and ran over to him he hugged you and said "that was fantastic I didn't know you could move like that." You said "thank you." You won for your section you were happy Liam was there to see it all.

Niall:(age:15): you wee nervous about the performance and especially what Niall would think because this is his first time seeing you dance. It was your turn the music started and you did the dance you did fanatic and the crowd thought so too. You ran backstage and saw Niall he said "that was amazing." You said "thank you." You were happy you did so well and your were especially happy that Niall enjoyed it.

Harry:(age:16): you were at your dance competition performing your heart out Harry was so happy he could make it and so were you. You ran off the stage after the performance was done and Harry was there you hugged him and he said "you did so well." You smiled and said "thank you." You were so happy he could be there too see you perform.

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