He teaches you how to rollerblad

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Louis:(age:12): you really wanted to learn how to rollerblade you asked Louis to help you he agreed to help you. He took you outside and helped you put the rollerblades on. He helped you up and you stood there and said "I can't do this." He said "yes you can come towards me." You walked slowly towards him but then fell right to the ground he helped you up and said "it's ok keep trying." You tired again and again and again then you finally got it he said "there you go." You were so happy you got it.

Liam:(age:13): you really wanted to learn how to rollerblade so he taught you. You were terrible but he encouraged you to keep trying after your 100th try you finally got it he said "you did it!!" You said "finally!!!" You were so happy that you finally got it now you could rollerblade with your friends.

Niall:(age:14): your friends all could rollerblade but you couldn't do you asked Niall to help you and he said he would help you. You couldn't do it but he kept on encouraging you and then you finally got it and you were happy because now you could rollerblad with your friends.

Harry:(age:15): one day you came home from school and said to Harry "can you teach me how to rollerblade so I can rollerblade to school?" He said "yeah sure." You put on the rollerbladers and he taught you how to use them. You finally got it and was so happy because now you were able to ride them to school.

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