You break a bone

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Louis:(age:13): you were playing Soccor (football) when you were running to get the ball to kick it your ankle twisted and you heard it crack you yelped and fell to the ground holding your ankle and Louis came running out on to the felid and came running to you and said "are you okay?" You said "no I think I broke my ankle." He helped you up and brought you to the car and drove you to the hospital to get a x Ray and sure enough it was broken you got a cast on it you were out for 3 weeks and Louis did everything for you which you didn't mind.

Liam:(age:14): you were fooling around with your friends and you fell and you put your hands down and you heard your wrist snap you yelled and at that moment Liam and the boys were walking by too and saw what happened Liam came running over and said "are you okay are you hurt?" You said "no I think I broke my wrist." Liam helped you up and him and the boys took you to the hospital to get a x Ray and you were right your wrist was broken. You had the cast on it for 4 weeks and Liam wouldn't let you do a lot of things which you were okay with because you didn't have to do much.

Niall:(age:15): you were hanging in a tree then you went to get down you missed the last branch and you fell right on your leg it was in a funny position you screamed and Niall came running out and saw your leg and said "let's get you to a hospital." He  picked you up bridal style and brought you to the car you guys drove to the hospital and got a x Ray and sure enough your leg was broken. Niall didn't let you move for 3 weeks which you were fine with because it meant less work for you.

Harry:(age:16): You were fooling around with Harry you stole his phone and ran away with it you were running up the stairs when you fell hard and your finger went backwards you heard a crack in your finger and screamed. Harry saw and said "are you okay are you hurt?" you said "no I'm pretty sure I broke my finger." He took you to the car and drove you to the hospital to get a x ray and it was broken you had a cast on it for a week, and Harry wouldn't let you do anything which you were fine with because then you didn't have to do much.

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