Your parents die

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Louis:(age:14): you were at school it was lunch time you were laughing with your friends when the principle came up to you and said "your brother is here." You were confused but grabed your bag and said bye to your friends. You went to the office and saw Louis give you a sad smile you said "what's wrong? What happened?" He sighed and said "mom and dad got in a bad car accident and they didn't make it." You just broke down then and there you fell to the ground you couldn't breath you felt like your whole world just stopped. Louis picked you up and brought you to the car he drove you home. You cried for hours and hours Louis just sat with you and comforted you. You didn't want to believe this was real life.

Liam:(age:15): you were hanging out with your friends at your house. Your brother wasn't home yet you guys were just fangirling over 5 seconds of summer. The door opened and close and you heard foot steps coming up the stairs your brother appeared in your door. He had tears in his eyes your friends left noticing that you guys needed sometime alone. Liam closed the door and said "I just got a call saying there was shooting at the mall where mom and dad were they got shot and they didn't make it." You broke down not wanting to believe what you just heard you never wanted to hear those words and Liam hugged you tightly as you sobbed into him he hugged you and you cried your self to sleep that night in Liam's arm.

Niall:(age:16): you were with 5 seconds of summer hanging out with them at your house Niall was in the studio. You guys were just chilling. Niall walked in the house in tears you said "what's wrong? What happened?" He said "it's our parents they were on a plane and the plane crashed and they didn't make it." You stop breathing and you start balling your eyes out the 5SOS boys left noticing you guys needed some brother and sister time and Niall hugged you and you just cried in his arms for hours and hours. You slept in Niall's room that night and cried more. Niall just comforted you.

Harry:(age:17): you just got home from school and you saw Harry and Gemma. They looked upset you said "what's wrong guys? What happened?" Harry said "our parents went to a movie and a guy went in and started shooting everywhere and he Shot mom and dad they didn't make it." You froze and just broke down in tears and fell to the floor. Harry came over and picked you up and brought you to his room you stayed with him the whole day and the whole night. He just comforted you the rest of the night.

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