Harry BSM

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*In the events that happened last night I decided to write this and I pray for Manchester and Ariana granda I want her to know that this wasn't her fault it saddens me that this happened this hits really close to home for me because concerts are my life they are suppose to be a place were your happy but now people are afraid because of what happened last night we shouldn't be living life in fear my heartbreaks seeing everything about the events my prayers are with everyone and I hope everyone that goes to the show tonight are safe and I really hope harry is safe too*
                               Your POV
Harry had a concert tonight I really didn't want him to perform tonight because of what happened last night I didn't want the same to happen tonight. Right now me and Harry were auguring over this Harry said "yn I'm doing this for the fans." You said "would you rather risk your life and the life of others or be safe here with me?" He sighed and said "we can't live life in fear." You said "this is how the world work now apparently and security won't do anything." He said "their there to help people and protect them." You said "why didn't they do that last night? Now people are dead because the stupid security was useless." He said "they can only do so much." You said "I'm not allowing you to go on that stag I'm scared for your safety and the fans I'll call mom and ask her if she thinks you should go out there and perform." He said "fine she'll just tell you the Same thing I'm telling you."you called your mom and she told you it's up to Harry and you knew he was still going to go on you said "have fun I'm staying here." He sighed and he said "you can't live life in fear." You said "yes I can I'm not going." He said "fine I won't do the show tonight then." You said "what about the fans?" He said "then come because I'm not leaving you here by your self what if something happens to you while your here who would you rather be with me or by your self?" You said "you but I don't want to witness anyone getting hurt." He said "we'll be fine." You said "how do you know you never know what can happen?" He said "we'll be safe plus I'm making the show shorter because I can't do the full show tonight since this hit so close to home it hit me hard." You said "fine I'll come but I'm staying backstage and not coming out for the whole show." He said "deal."

You guys got to the concert and Harry got ready and Jeff said "are you sure you want to do this tonight?" Harry said "I have to it's for the fans." You said "they would understand why you won't put the concert on it's for their safety and your safety and your not up for it." He said "I'm doing this I need to for them yes it'll be shorter but they'll still be greatful."Jeff said "are you positive?" He said "yes I'm postive."You said "I can't let you I'm not losing you." He sighed and hugged you and said "you won't lose me I promise you you'll be watching me the whole time if something does happen I know you'll be the first one to be there."You said "how do you know that?"He hugged you tighter and said "I'll be fine you'll be here with me we'll be fine you have to trust me."You said "I truly want to believe that but I don't know if I can after what happened last night I don't know what could happen here tonight and that scares me and also I do trust you I just don't know if I can trust the people out there."You were crying by now he hugged you tightly and said "just enjoy the show and don't think about anything else the people out there are fine security got it they know what to do." You said "if they did why didn't they do anything last night? They could have done a lot more to avoid this from happening and that's hard to do." He said "they probably didn't see the guy and the guy probably snuck in some how and just try to enjoy it." You said "ok I'll try." Harry then went out on stage everyone screamed you looked out and saw all the happy faces praying nothing was going to happen to them or your brother you were terrified  you were shaking and you really wanted to enjoy the concert but you couldn't get your mind off the events that happened last night that was all you were thinking about you were heavily breathing and shaking and said to Jeff "I can't do this I need harry off that stag now!!" Jeff tried to calm you down and said "he'll be off soon don't worry." You said "no I need him off now I need him!!!" You were hyperventilating at this point Lou came over and hugged you she said "hey look he's fine and your fine the show is almost over you just have to wait a couple more minutes." You shook your head and said "no I need him now what don't you people understand!!!"

Then harry came backstage and saw you with lou he ran over to you and hugged you and said "see your fine the concert was great and we're both fine it'll all be ok." You just cried into his chest and he carried you back to the tour bus you guys were heading home now to spend time with your family which you were both greatful for.

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