You have a asthma attack at a concert and a 5sos boy helps you

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Harry:(age:13) you had really bad asthma but you knew how to control it you were at your brother's concert with Calum from 5sos. You were having a blast when someone sprayed perfume and you started coughing you went in your purse that you had and looked for your inhaler but it wasn't there Calum could tell you were struggling he took you backstage and looked for the extra inhaler that Harry kept back there just in case you forgot yours he found it and shook it and put it in your mouth you took it and you could breath again you said "thanks cal." He said "no problem." Then you guys went back to enjoy the rest of concert.

Niall:(age:14): you were dancing and having a blast with Ashton from 5sos you guys were enjoying the concert when you asthma started acting up you didn't have a inhaler with you thank goodness Ashton had your spare one in his pocket you used it and enjoyed the rest of the concert with him you said "thank you." He said "no problem." The rest of the concert went smoothly.

Louis:(age:15): someone at the concert decided it was a good idea to bring perfume with them and spray it everywhere. That made your asthma act up and you couldn't find your inhaler Michael from 5sos brought you backstage and found the extra one Louis had you used it and thanked him he said "no problem." Then you guys enjoyed the rest of the concert.

Liam:(age:16): you started coughing in the middle of the concert you knew you were having a asthma attack you looked through your bag praying you brought your inhaler but you being stupid forgot it on the tour bus, Luke from 5sos being the smart guy he is grabbed it for you and handed you it you took a puff and thanked him for taking it, he said "no problem." Then you guys enjoyed the rest of the concert the rest of the night.

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