Your adopted and you meet him for the first time

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Louis:(age:10): you were in your room when you heard your new family scream and you walked downstairs to see what the screaming was about you froze once you saw it was your new brother you were so nervous to meet him. You just stood there as they bounded over him and hugged him, they pulled away from him and he said "you must be yn." You nodded and he said "I'm your brother Louis." You said "I know I'm a big fan of you guys." He said "your going to love having me as a brother." You smiled and said "I know I'm excited to see what is in store for me." Dan said "you'll love this family." He was right you did love this family you were happy but wish you could have met their mom.

Liam:(age:11): you were blasting one direction in your new room when there was a knock on the door you said "come in." And in walks in Liam James Payne you gasped he said "hi you must be yn I'm your older brother Liam." You said "hi nice to meet you." He gave you a hug he said "your a fan." Looking around your room noticing the posters You said "yeah I'm." He said "you'll meet the boys tomorrow."you said "ok can't wait." You were screaming on the inside you were so excited to meet them you knew you were going to love your new family.

Niall:(age:12): your new mom called you down stairs you walked downstairs and saw Niall you gasped and almost fell going down the stairs Niall said "you must be yn I'm your brother Niall." You hugged him for a long time and said "thank you for saving my life literally." He hugged you tighter and said "I'll always be here for you if you need anything." You nodded in his chest you just stood there hugging him at that moment you knew your life would change for the best.

Harry:(age:13): you were heading to your new brother's house you were freaking out because you were afraid what he was going to think of you. Your new mom knocked on the door and the Harry styles opened the door you said "your my brother?" He said "yeah I'm and your my new sister." You said "yeah I'm huge fan." He hugged you and you hugged back he said "your going to love it here." You said "I know I'm." You were so happy to have a new family.

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