You get cyber Bullied

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Louis:(Age:12): you were on your computer on twitter and all you saw was insults and hate you read through it all even know you didn't believe it, it still hurt you. You didn't dare to tell your brother or the boys. You wiped the tears coming down your face, the boys and your brother walked in Harry said "what's wrong love?" You decided to tell him so you stood up and took him up to your room leaving the other boys confused you and harry were very close you told him everything. You said "I'm being cyber bullied and I can't handle it anymore I just want it all to go away please don't tell the others." He hugged you tightly as you cried he said "we'll help you through this but I have to tell the other boys and your brother." You said "I'll tell them." You guys walked downstairs and you stood in front of the boys Louis said"is everything ok?" You shook your head and said "I get cyber bullied and I can't do this anymore I just want it all to end." He came up to you and hugged you and said "we'll put a stop to this don't worry this will end really soon." You nodded into his chest.

That night he told the people to stop and they did you were so happy to have the best protective brother out there and the others told them to stop too you were so thankful for them.

Liam:(Age:13): you were done with this you couldn't take this anymore you just wanted it all to stop so you took your laptop and brought it down to the livingroom where Liam and the boys were you handed your laptop to Liam he read what people were saying about and he wasn't happy he put the laptop down and hugged you and said "we'll put a stop to this don't worry everything will be ok." You nodded into his chest as you cried and the others joined the hug, that night liam and the boys tweeted them to stop doing this to you and they did stop you were so happy to have a brother like Liam and the boys you were so happy they cared about you.

Niall:(Age:14): you ran in from school and threw your phone at Niall it bounced on his lap he read through the texted messages your so call friends were sending you he hugged you and said "I'll put a end to this don't worry."You nodded into his chest, he called their parents and told them what their childeren were saying to you and their parents talked to them and they came over and apolgized but you didn't accept it, the rest of the day you hung out with Niall and the boys you were so happy to have a brother like Niall you knew he would always be there for you.

Harry:(Age:15): You got a ton of hate on twitter you were tired of it so you marched downstairs and showed it to harry and the boys they weren't happy they all tweeted the fans and told them to stop sending you hate they also tweeted the people from your school who were also sending you hate, Harry said "you don't have to worry about them anymore." You said "thank you you guys are the best." Harry said "we know." You smiled happy they were always here for you.

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