A couple days after the shooting

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Louis:(age:12): you were Terrified to go back to that place today was your first day back you walked in and walked into your first perido class flashbacks of that day came back you started having a panic attack your heart quickened you said "I can't do this."and ran out of the classroom into the bathroom and dialed Louis's number. He picked up on the first ring and said "breath in and out in and out I'll be there soon okay." You said "how did you know?" He said "because I know you." You walked out and didn't go into the classroom you went straight to the office and waited for your brother. A couple mintues later he arrivied and signed you out and you guys left you said "I couldn't do it." He hugged you and said "shh your safe now it's okay." The rest of the day you spent it with Louis and the boys.

Liam:(age:13): you were walking to your locker and froze flashbacks of that day came rushing back to your mind. You walked back towards the office and called Liam to come pick you up. He said "I'm already outside." You said "okay." The bell didn't ring yet and it was the beginning of the day so you just walked out and got back in the car and he said "I knew you couldn't do it." I said "no I couldn't I still can't get that image out of my head." He said "just try and think about something else okay." You nodded and then you went to Louis's house with Liam and spent the day with the two of them.

Niall(age:14):you were walking to your English class with your friends and you froze outside the door and didn't walk in your friend did the same. You said "you guys can go in I don't feel well I'm going to the nurse." They said "we'll come with you." You guys walked to the nurse office and they said "you girls want to leave too." You guys nodded she said "call your parents to come and get you." You called Niall and he picked up on the first ring and said "already on my way." You said "okay." Niall arrived and signed you out and then took you home. You said "I couldn't do it." He said "your safe now don't worry." Then you spent the rest of the day with him and the boys.

Harry:(age:15): you refused to go to the bathroom all day at school so when you got home you ran upstairs to the bathroom. Harry said "you can't be afraid of the bathroom at school." You said "when something like this happens I can be I'm never going in that bathroom again at school that's a scary place." He said "I understand." Then the rest of the day you hung out with him and the boys.

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