Your friend communits sucide and you find them

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Louis:(age:14): your friend was going through a hard time right now and she was very depressed and wanted to take her own life you told her not too and it'll get better but I guess that didn't help because one day she didn't come to school so you thought she was sick so you decided to take her work to her you knocked on the door and there was no answer since both of her parents are at work. So you found the key and walked into her house you walked upstairs to her room you knocked on the door it was locked you went downstairs and found the spare key and then opened her door she wasn't there either so you decided to check her bathroom it was locked too you knocked no answer you searched for the key and found it you held your breath and closed your eyes and opened the door slowly when you opened your eyes you saw your friend lying in the bath tube covered in blood the water was over flowing you gasped and turned it off now you were freaking out and her older brother wasn't home he was in college so you called 911 and her parents the ambulance was on their way and so were her parents. You were shaking and crying and hyperventilating you called Louis even know he wasn't home or that's what you thought he picked up on the first ring and said "yn where are you?" You said "yfn house come get me please I can't be here any more but your not here so I know you can't come to get me." He said "ok on my way I'm home now." You waited her parents arrived and hugged you and the paramedics took her away you cried harder then Louis arrived you ran to him he hugged you tightly and asked "what the hell happened?" You said "I found yfn dead in the bath tube with a pool of blood she killed herself." He just hugged you tightly and took you home it was a quiet ride home you didn't say a word when you got home to your surprise the boys were there you dropped your book bag and ran to Harry he caught you and let you cry on him you said "I'm scared for life now because I found yfn dead in her bathroom I knew I should have told someone she was having problems I knew she needed help it's all my fault." Louis said "Love no it's not your fault." You just cried the all night.

Liam:(age:15): your friend was living with you and your brother right now because her parents were fighting a lot and they were geting a divorce and she got abused by her dad and people at school and her mom said she didn't want her she said "I'm going to the bathroom." You said "ok." Thinking nothing of it you were on your computer when you heard a thud come from your bathroom you ran to the bathroom and knocked on the door you couldn't open the door so you sprinted down the stairs actually you fell down all the stairs you heard foot steps coming towards you you got up and ran to the kitchen and grabbed a chair liam said "yn was that you?" He was with the boys and 5SOS boys too you said "yeah that was me but I'm fine I just need to find the key to the bathroom ASAP."niall said "why?" You said "it's locked and when I knocked no one answered." You found it and ran upstairs and opened the door to find yfn lying on the floor with a pill bottle next to her. You called 911 you were shaking and Cring you couldn't believe she did this. You knew she needed help and told her to get some but she didn't get any you felt like it was your fault you thought she was geting better guess not.

The paramedics arrived that got the boys attention and they ran upstairs you were just sobbing you said "I'm not using that bathroom ever again I found yfn in there dead lying on the floor she killed her self."liam hugged you and you just cried the whole night.

Niall:(age:16:) you were at the mall with you best guy friend he was gay and he got bullied and he had a rough childhood so he has serve depression and he keeps on wanted to take his own life your afraid he will. He went to the bathroom and he still wasn't back you couldn't walk in but you decided to walk in any ways. You walked in and saw your friend hanging by the door dead you gasped and called 911 and then Niall he said he was on his way. You waited and they arrived and got him out Niall arrived and you ran to him and he hugged you tightly you said "I found him dead in the bathroom." He hugged you tightly and brought you home he called the boys and you just cried the all night.

Harry:(age:17): you were at school and your friend wasn't having a great day today she hasn't been for a while so she went home early or that's what she told you but little did you know she walked out into the middle of the road and got hit by a truck and when you walked out you found her dead on the road you gasped and called 911 and your brother you tried to move her from the road but you couldn't all the cars has stopped seeing this you were just crying Harry saw you when he was driving and he got out and saw and just hugged you you weren't the same after that you said you could never be the same after witnessing that.

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