You see zayn again after 2 years since he left the band

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Louis:(age:13): you were walking into Starbucks with your friends when someone came up behind you and pocked your sides you screamed and turned around and saw zayn he was laughing and you said "your still a ass." He said "you know you missed me." You said "yeah I have." You hugged him for a long time and then he said "Louis let you come here alone?" You said "I'm with my friends." He said "oh I see and I'm sorry for your loss." You said "thanks." He said "if you need anything give me a ring." You said "I will."

Then he left with Gigi you were happy to see him again it's been to long.

Liam:(age14): you and zayn were very close when he was in the band he was like another brother to you they all were don't get me wrong but you and zayn connect a lot and you told him everything when he left you went into a deep depression. You were walking in the city with your friends putting on a act like usual until you saw zayn you ran to him he caught you and spun you around you said "I missed you so much." He said "I missed you too how have you been?" You said "to be honest ever since you left I fell into really bad depression." He said "baby you could have called me." You said "I was afraid." He said "don't be I'll help you through this." You nodded and he hugged you.

Then you and him spent the whole day together just the two of you, you were so happy to see him again.

Niall:(age:15): you and zayn were so close when he was in the band, Now that he wasn't you guys lost touch and didn't talk that much. One day you and your friends were at the mall you guys were in a store it remind you of Zayn, Then you saw Zayn and his new girlfriend gigi he walked over to you and said "hi." you said "hi." Gigi and your friends left you guys so you guys could talk he said "I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch with you over the years." You said "obvousily you didn't really care about me if you don't even talk to me anymore." He said "I do care about you I promise you." He came over and hugged you and said "I never stopped cared about you I've been busy." You said "yeah with your new life see you around Zayn."
Then you left upset and he felt gulity.

Harry:(age:16): you walked into Harry's house and saw the boys even Zayn you had to stop and take a second look and said "I must be dreaming." Zayn said "no I'm really here." You ran over to him and hugged him tightly and said "I missed you so much." He said "I missed you too." You were so happy that he was hangout with the boys. You missed him a lot and harry knew that you said to harry "thank you." He said "no problem." The whole day you guys just talked you were so happy he was back for now.

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