He takes you to see mark aka luke skywalker for your 18th birthday

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*18 in all*
Louis: you louis and Eleanor were all heading some where but you didn't know where because Louis said it was a surprise and today was your birthday this was his gift to you. He knows you love star wars so he took you to the set but you didn't know that you were blind folded the car stopped and Eleanor helped you out and then she put you in your spot and mark walked over then Louis took off your blindfold and you where right in front of your favorite person ever mark!!!! You gasped and he said "hello there love how are you?" And he gave you a hug you had a huge smile on your face you said "I'm great how are you?" He said "that's good I'm good too." Louis was taping the whole thing then you got pictures with you and he signed things for you and he also said happy birthday to you then you guys left you are so happy you hugged Louis and Eleanor and said "thank you guys so much this was definitely the best birthday ever." Louis smiled and said "no problem sis." You were so happy that just happened.

Liam: so Liam and cherly were taking you out for lunch for your birthday little did you know luke skywalker aka mark was going to join you guys too you loved him and Liam knew you wanted to meet him so bad so him and cherly pulled some strings and got him to come celebrate with you guys you guys walked in and the waiter walked you over to the tablet we're mark was you gasped and froze in your place and said "no way." Mark said "hi you must be the birthday girl yn right?" You nodded and smiled he gave you a hug and then you sat down next to him and he signed stuff and Liam took a picture of the two of you then you guys ordered your lunch and ate and talked then the people at the restaurant brought out a cake and sung happy birthday to you you were the happiest girl alive Liam could tell.

Afterwards you said bye to mark and it was nice meeting him then you got in the car and screamed and said "I can't believe that just happens oh my gosh I'm so happy!!!" Liam chuckled and said "glad you loved it." You said "thank you guys so much I will never ask you for anything else." Cherly chuckled and said "oh we know you will knowing you." You laughed and said "true." You were so happy this was the best birthday ever.

Harry: you were at home chilling on the couch watching your favorite movie which was star wars you loved like skywalker aka mark. You were so into the movies that you didn't even know someone came in until they said "I see you like my film." You turned around quickly and saw mark you gasped and paused the movie and said "oh my gosh hi I'm yn." He said "nice to meet you birthday girl your brother told me a lot about you all good things." You smiled and gave him a hug harry was recording the whole thing he signed your poster and your doll that you had and he took a picture with you then you guys just talked then he had to go you said thank you and bye then he left.

You started screaming you were so happy you ran to Harry and hugged him tightly and said "thank you thank thank you so much your the best brother ever I love you so much." He smiled and said "anything for you." You smiled and said "this is definitely the best birthday ever!!" You were so happy to finally met you idol.

Niall: you were heading to Starbucks with your brother to meet someone but your brother wasn't telling you you walked in and saw mark you gasped and said "no way."niall said "like your gift?" You said "I love it thank you Niall so much." You hugged Niall and he said "no problem go talk to him." You walked over to him and said hi and then you sat down as Niall got you your drink he signed stuff for you and you guys got a picture and he said happy birthday to you then he had to go you said bye and gave him another hug then he left you were so happy you said "this is the best birthday ever thank you again Niall." He said "no problem sis I knew you would love it." You were so happy it was a dream come true for you.

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