Him and the boys crash your sleepover party

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Louis:(age:16): you were waiting for your friends to arrive you got everything set up then there was a knock at the door and your friends walked in. You guys were fangirling over one direction and 5 seconds of summer and you guys were talking about boys one of your friends yelled "I want Harry styles to do dirty things to me." You heard laughing outside your door and you opened it and saw the boys your friend went pale you laughed at her and said "don't worry they hear worse from me I once said I want luke Hemings to do things to me and he walked in while I was talking about that." Louis said "that is true she was so embarrassed." Your friends laughed and said "want to join us?" The boys said "sure as long as you guys don't hurt us?" They laughed and you said "they won't." You guys spent the whole night together.

Liam:(age:15): you were having a couple friends over some where guys and some where girls. You didn't mention the guy part to Liam but you guys were all in your room talking about how hot 5 seconds of summer was you said "you know I met them right?" Your friend rolled her eyes and said "yes we know we are so jealous of you." You said "I know we can call them if you want?" Your guy friend said "your funny you wish you had their number don't we all."You said "want to bet that I have their numbers?"He said "your on." He shook your hand and you called calum he picked up and said "just come downstairs and speak to me you don't have to call me."You said "your downstairs since when?" He said "yeah since a couple mintues ago but your to cool hangout with your friends to come say hi to us."You said "I didn't know you guys were here  we're coming down." He said "sure you didn't and okay."

You guys walked downstairs and said "see I know them." Your friends were speechless you said "hi guys." And sat next to Luke, you friends stood there you said "you can sit guys they don't bite."They sat and Liam said "you didn't say guys were coming?"you said "their my friends chill you've met them before."He said "okay I trust them." You guys spent to rest of the night with the boys.

Niall:(age:17): you were having your friends over for a slumber party you set everything up.

Then your friends arrived and you guys went upstairs and you were blasting one direction and 5 seconds of summer you guys were dancing in your room you heard laughing. You looked at the door and saw the boys you said "when did you guys get here?" They said "we got here a mintue ago." Your friend blushed and you said "they've seen worse trust me they don't care." Louis said "trust us we saw her in only a sports bar dancing around the kitchen." You blushed and your friends laughed.

Then you said they can join you guys and they did join you and you guys talked to whole night.

Harry:(age:16): you and your friends were playing truth or dare you guys were in the living room since you guys were the only ones home at the moment. Right now your friend was making out with a Niall cutout and then your other friend was humping the Liam one. At that moment the boys walked in and looked at you guys like you were crazy you guys just laughed and you said "come join us." Harry said "do you want us too? And I don't know if we should after we saw what you girls do."You laughed and  said "yeah you guys can it would be so much fun don't worry they won't do anything that bad to you guys." Niall said "only our poor cutout's." you guys laughed.

They joined you guys and the rest of the night you guys played truth and dare and talked the whole night.

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