You get stiches

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Harry(age 15): you were fooling around with your friends outside when you you guys were running around when you tripped and fell onto a sharp rock your friends gasped and Harry wasn't home he was at the studio with the boys so you called Gemma to come bring you to the hospital she got to the house in a matter of seconds and drove you there your friends came too.

You got there and they put you in a room, you waited as they stitched up your knee which hurt a lot Gemma and your mom and step dad were with you the whole time.

Once they were done, you got to go home your mom and Gemma helped you inside and Harry and the boys were there Harry came running over to you and picked you up bridal style and carried you to the couch he said "you are never staying home alone with your friends again got it?" You said "yeah I got it." He said "how many did you need?" You said "only 6 it wasn't that deep." He said "thank goodness for that but you aren't moving from this spot until it's heeled." You smiled and just cuddled with him you were lying on him while your knee was on Niall.

Niall(age 16):you were at one of his concerts front row of course so he could see you and keep a eye on you but you loved being front row. You were enjoying the concert talking to Lottie when someone said "look out!!!" You turned around and saw a object flying towards you it hit you in the head, you put your hand on your head Lottie said "are you okay?" You looked at your hand and saw blood and said "I think I might need  stitches because whatever that was it was hard and it hit me hard."It was the end of the concert Lottie brought you backstage and the medical people checked it out and said "yeah she's right she needs stitches but not a lot what even hit you?" You said "I don't know."

Niall and the boys came out at that moment once Niall saw that you were hurt he ran over to you and ask "what the hell happened?!?!" You said "someone threw something at my head." He brought you to the car and you guys drove to the hospital once you got there they took you into a room and  Niall came with you they put about 3 stitches in your head then you guys headed back to the hotel and you and the boys plus Niall all watched a movie and he didn't let you move at all.

Liam(age 17): you were cutting up vegetables for you and the boys so you guys could dip them in humus you where cutting a carrot when you got to close to your finger and sliced it open you scream Liam comes running in and asked "what happened?!?!" You said "I cut my finger I think I might need stitches." He looked at your finger and said "you defiantly do lets go."

Liam drove you to the hospital and they put you in a room Liam followed and then the nurse came in and put 4 stitches in your finger. You guys went home and continued your night with the boys but Liam cut the rest of the vegetables up and you stay in the other room watching the movie he didn't let you cut anything else for a long time.

Louis(age 18): you were taken a shower you got out and slipped and your knee went into the side of the tube you scream in pain Louis came running upstairs he asked "what happened?!?!" You said "I slipped and jammed my knee into the side of the tube." He bandaged it up then you got clothes on and he drove you to the hospital because you need stitches it was deep.

You got there and they took you and Louis to a room, they put about 6 stitches in your knee then you were free to go. Louis carried you bridal style to the car and into the house the whole time the stitches were in he didn't let you move a muscle so he helped you a lot and did a lot for you. You were super grateful you had such a amazing brother.

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