You drop out of high school

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Harry(age:17): you couldn't handle highschool anymore so you decided to drop out your parents weren't happy with that but they still signed the papers because this is what you wanted to do and you wanted to travel the world instead. When Harry heard about this he wasn't happy he said "you just threw your future away!!"You said "no I didn't this is what I wanted to do so I did it. I want to travel the world."He said "how are you going to get a job?" You said "I'll work with Lottie on hair and makeup I wanted to do that any ways Lou and Lottie can teach me." He said "fine with me but you better have a plan." You said "I do don't worry." He said "I'll always worry about you your my little sister." He hugged you and you called Lou and asked her if she can help you and she said she will you were happy with your chose. You ended up doing the boys hair and make up and Traveling the world in the process.

Liam:(age:18): you decided to drop out of high school because you could care less you had the wrose depression ever and you didn't want to do anything and you weren't even doing well in school your parents weren't please and neither was your brother he said "we'll help you get through this don't just throw your education away." You said "what's the point I'm not even doing good in school so my's well do nothing with my life." Liam sighed and said "when your better we'll Home school you and help you learn and get better okay don't throw your life away understand me?" You sighed and said "yeah I understand." He said "good." He hugged you and he was right slowly everyday you got better and he taught you everything you needed to know from high school even know he didn't know much but you did learn a lot.

Louis:(age:16): it all got to much for you between the bulling the people there who are constantly telling you your not good enough and teachers yelling at you for no reason you decided to drop out. Your parents weren't please with this but signed the papers your brother was home and came in your room and said "why!" You said "because I can't deal with the people there I'm taking online classes don't worry." He said "good that your still getting a education." He hugged you and kissed your head and left you had a plan he had nothing to worry about.

Niall:(age:18): you didn't like school and you knew you never would and 5sos needed a manger for their tour they asked you and you said you didn't know but now you knew you wanted it so you took the job. Niall said "why did you drop out?" You said "I got a job and I don't like that place don't worry I'm going to get a tutor while I'm on tour with them." Niall said "who are you going on tour with?" You said "5sos they offered me a job as their manger for this tour and I took it." He said "okay I trust that they will get you a tutor." You said "they will Liz will make them." He smiled and then left you were happy with your decsion. You were doing what you loved and the boys love you too.

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