Your boyfriend cheats on you

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Louis(Age 17): you were at a party with your friend and you didn't really want to go at first but then you ended up enjoying it you needed to go to the bathroom, you walked up to the upstairs one since the downstairs one was taken. You walked passed a room and you heard a girl moan your boyfriends name, your heart sank you slowly walked to the door hoping it wasn't true you opened to reveal your boyfriend and the biggest slut in your school. You gasped and he saw you and said "babe this is not what it looks like." you said with tears in your eyes "oh it's exactly what it looks like don't even dare say it isn't!!!we're over and now you have to deal with my brothers!!!!!"You ran out of the house with tears rolling down your cheeks you didn't even bother telling your friends you were leaving,you called louis to come pick you up. A couple mintues later he arrives you hop into the car and it was a quiet ride home once you get home the boys are there you saw Niall and ran to him he hugged you tightly and said "hey what's wrong princess?" Louis sits next to the two of you and you go into louis's arms and say "h-he h-he c-ch-cheated o-on m-me." Louis tighten and said "Harry and Niall stay with her Liam come with me we have a lesson to teach a certain someone."They left and harry just comfront you and Niall turned on a movie to get your mind off of your ex and he cuddled with you. Once Louis and Liam came back louis said "he won't be bothering you anymore." You smiled and hugged the two of them and said "thanks you guys." They smiled and said "no problem no one hurts our little sister." He hugged you and you smiled,You felt much better now because now you know the only boys you need in your life are these 4 boys with you right now and you knew boyfriends were a no go for a while.

Liam(Age 16): You were at home hanging out with your friends when all the sudden your boyfriend called you picked up and put it on speaker. It was a girl moaning your boyfriends name you gasped and said into the phone "we are over  Ybn and I'm letting my brother beat the crap out of you I don't need a explanation I already know what your going to say!!!!" Your ex boyfriend was about to say something. But you hung up and just cried your friend  comfronted you then she had to go. She left, a couple mintues later liam and the boys came in with a bag of junk food. Liam handed it to you and cuddled you and said "I'll be back in a couple of mintues harry and niall are going to stay with you Lou and I will be back soon okay?" You nodded and they left you just cuddled with harry while he said that your ex boyfriend doesn't know what he lost and you can fine someone better than him. A couple mintues later liam and louis came in with your ex and liam said "what do you have to say to her!?!?" Your ex boyfriend mumbled he's sorry you said "whatever I don't need you anymore!!"

Then louis let your ex boyfriend go and said "now beat it before I hurt you again!!!!"Your ex scrambled out quickly liam then sat next to you and said "no boys for a while got it?" You nodded and said "I don't need any other boys I have them all right here." Liam smiled and they all gave you a group hug then you guys watched a movie for the rest of the night.

Niall(age 16): you were at a club with your brother and his bandmates when you saw someone that looked like your boyfriend with another girl. You gasped and slowly walked over to them hoping it wasn't him. But sadly it was you said to him "how could you?!?!" He said "YN I..." You said "I don't want to hear it good luck with my brother." You walked back over to your brother and he said "he didn't." You said "he did." He stomped over to your now ex boyfriend you stayed with harry and liam while louis went with him so he wouldn't kill your ex boyfriend. A couple mintues later niall came back with your ex and he said "what do you have to say to her!?!?" Your ex said "sorry." You rolled your eyes and said "yeah right goodby have a nice life."

Then niall let him go and said "now beat it!!!!" Your ex ran off after that you guys went home and you juts hung out with the only guys you knew would never in a million years hurt you.

Harry(age 17): you were walking to your boyfriends house you walked in and heard noises from his room. You walked upstairs scared to see what you would find you opened the door to see your boyfriend in his bed with a another girl. You gasped and said "it's over now I'll aloud my brothers to deal with you!!!!!" You ran out of his house and ran all the way home you ran into your house closed the front door slid down and just cried into your knees. A couple mintues later you felt someone pick you up and carry you into the living room  it was your brother harry he said "what happened?" You said "he cheated on me." Harry tighten up and said "louis and niall stay with her liam come with me we have to teach someone a leasson." They left a couple mintues later they came back and said "he won't be hurting you anymore." You smiled and said "you guys are the only boys I need in my life." They hugged you and you guys watched movies and ate junk food for the rest of the day.

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