You get hit by a car

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Harry:(age:15): you were walking home from your friends party it was late at night you looked both ways to get to the other side walk but then a car came speeding down the road and hit you the last thing you saw was a guy and then you blacked out. You woke up in a white room and groaned you opened your eyes and saw your brother sleeping and holding your hand it looked like he's been crying the other boys and 5sos boys were there too you were in so much pain your ribs hurt and your head,arms and legs hurt too. You moved a little to sit up the sudden movement woke Harry up he open his eyes and saw you were awake he hugged you and said "thank goodness you woke up I thought I was going to lose you." You said "you're not going to lose me for a long time." He smiled at you and the doctor came in and said "glade your awake you had to get stitches in your head you broke your ribs,arm and leg and also you were in a coma for 3 days  you are a lucky girl that it wasn't that bad you can take her home today." Harry went to sign you out and then he came back and got you in a wheel chair then you the boys and 5sos boys all headed home and hung out the rest of the day Harry didn't let you do anything until everything healed.

Niall:(age:16): you and your friends were riding your bikes in the road a car was coming you and your friends moved out of the way. You guys thought it was safe to go back out so you guys headed back into the middle of the road then out of no where a car comes and hits you while you were getting on your bike the last thing you saw was your friends coming over you then you blacked out. You woke up and you were in a white room you groaned you saw Niall and the boys you whispered "ni." He heard you and said "oh thank goodness your alright." You asked "what happened?" He said "you got hit by a car." The doctor came in and said "glade to see your awake you broke your arm and leg and you got a concussion it wasn't that bad you can go home now." Niall went to sign you out and then helped you to the car the whole time he didn't let you do anything until you were 100% better.

Louis:(age:17): you and Lottie were walking on the side of the road then out of no where a car came serving towards you, you gasped and it hit you sending you flying on to the ground the last thing you saw was Lottie coming towards you and then you blacked out. You woke up in a white room you groaned and you were in so much pain. Louis heard you and said "thank goodness your awake." You asked "what happened?" He said "a car served on to the side walk and hit you." The doctor came in and said "I'm so happy to see you awake, you broke your ribs and wrist you also needed stitches in your head and you got a concussion you can head home now just be carful." Louis signed you out and you guys headed home your family and the boys were there Louis didn't let you do anything until everything was healed.

Liam:(age:14):you were walking home from school and you needed to cross the street you looked both ways and didn't see any cars so you decided to walk across with your headphones in but then out of no where a car came out of no where and ran right into you sending you to the ground the last thing you saw before you blacked out was a teenage girl. You woke up and you were in a white room you goraned and saw that Liam and the boys were there and a girl who Harry was comfronting she said "it's all my fault I feel terrible I wasn't paying attention I'm sorry I didn't mean too." Harry hugged her and said "love it was accident." You said "yeah I'm fine I'm awake and still alive only little cuts and bruises." The doctor walked in and said "glade to see you awake you have a broken leg,wrist,rib and you had to get stitches in your head you are free to go home now just take it easy." Liam signed you out and helped you to the car for the next 3 weeks he did everything for you and he told you not to move a muscle and you and the girl that hit you became friends because she helped you recover from the accident because she felt guilty.

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