Zayn breaks up with you

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Louis: you and Zayn were walking home from a party and he sighed and said "I don't think this is going to work out." You said "why do you think that?" He said "I just feel like we're not connecting any more." You said "what are you trying to say?" He said "I think we should break up because I feel uncomfortable when I'm with you and your brother it's awkward for me." You had tears in your eyes and you said "but I love you." He said "I know I love you too but I can't do this anymore I'm sorry." He then kissed your cheek and left you went inside the house and slid down the door and cried into your knees someone picked you up and brought you into a room. You looked up and saw Louis he asked "what happened?" You said "he broke up with me because of you he didn't feel comfortable when he was around you." He sighed and hugged you and said "I'm sorry." You said "it's fine it's not your fault I understand and your not mad at him?" Louis said "yes I'm mad at him he broke your heart and that's the one thing I told him not to do but I understand why he did it but if I ever see him again it won't be pretty."Then the two of you watched a movie and ate junk food the rest of the night.

Harry: you were walking home from a party with tears running down your face because your boyfriend Zayn broke up with you because he didn't feel the same way you did about him. You got home and went straight to your room and cried then there was a knock at the door you said "come in." In walks in Harry he hugged you and said "what happened?" You said "he broke up with me because he didn't feel the same way I felt about him." He hugged you and said "you don't need him all you need is me and the other boys he lost something beautiful and when I see him again I'm going to kill him." You smiled and giggled a little and said "don't hurt him." He said "I won't physically but verbally I will." Then you guys just cuddled and talked about anything you could think of.

Liam: you were at zayn's house fighting once again then he said "you know what I think we should just break up." You said "maybe we should since you can't trust that I would never cheat on you." He said "you don't trust me either we're over I'm done with not being able to trust the person I thought I loved!!" You then stomped out of his house and drove home you got home and slamed opened the door and slamed it shut you then put you car keys on the table and went up to your room and cried into your pillow. Then there was a knock on the door you knew it was Liam you said "come in." He walked in and hugged you and asked "what's wrong?" You said "Zayn and I got in a  huge fight and then we broke up because we couldn't trust each other." Liam hugged you and said "that's not a healthy relationship next time I see him I'll give him a pice of my mind."Then the rest of the day you guys just watched your favorite movies.

Niall: you were at your house with Zayn fighting because once again the media said he was cheating on you, he said "why do you believe that bull." You said "because I know you, you hurt many girls." He said "that's because I didn't love them I love you you have to trust me do you love me?" You said "yeah but I can't trust you that's the problem ." He said "fine then you won't have too have a nice life yn hope you enjoy it." Then he left you followed and said "what do you mean?" He said "we're over and I don't care if your brother beats the shit out of me we can't live this way." He then left and you went back inside into the living room and cried then Niall and the boys walked in Niall saw you and ran over to you and hugged you and said "what's wrong?" You said "we broke up because I didn't trust him I hope the media is happy now they ruined yet another relationship." He hugged me and said"you don't need him he lost a brilliant girl." You smiled and hung out with him and the boys the rest of the afternoon.

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