You have a eatting disorder and another boy/him finds out

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Niall:(age:16): The hate got to you even know you knew it wasn't true but it just got to you it still hurt you, you didn't want to Worry your brother so you took matters into your own hands and stopped eating the boys or your brother haven't expected anything yet until one night you guys all went out to get sushi and its your favorite you looked at the sushi on your plate it looked so good you really wanted to eat it but you couldn't bring your self to it. You wish you could eat it but you couldn't you just couldn't make yourself Niall notice this and said "are you not hungry?" You said "not really." He put his chopsticks down and said "what's up you haven't ate in a week are you sick?" You said "no I feel fine honestly." He said "you know this isn't healthy." You said "what isn't healthy." He said "you not eating what brought you to do this to yourself."And then his answered walked in as 2 "fans" came up To you and said "oh look it's the cow that's always with these handsome boys I don't see what they see in her I see nothing at all." Niall then realized what was going on he said "leave now I never want to see you guys again or the other people that are doing this to my sister your not welcome to anything of ours ever again."They walked away and you said "thank you Niall." He said "no problem we'll put a stop to this and we'll help you get better the first step is to eat." He watched you as you picked up a pice and you ate you smiled and eat all the pieces you took Niall smiled and said "I'm proud of you." You smiled and he hugged you.

Harry:(age:15): you were going out with your friends tonight you guys were getting pizza you loved pizza you got there and you guys ate then you excused your self to the bathroom you went into the bathroom and made your self puke all the pizza up. The reason you did this is because the popular girls at school always make fun of you even know you know it isn't true but it just got to you and it hurt.You walked out and saw Liam standing outside the door he said "I knew it was you." You said "how?" He said "I've heard you doing the same thing after every meal why do you do this to your self?" You said "because of the popular girls they call me fat." He said "don't listen to them their just insecure about them self that's why they put other people down and the boys and I will help you get through this okay?" You nodded he hugged you and you went back to your friends you were grateful for Liam. When you got home he had told the boys and they said they were going to help you through this.

Liam:(age:14): you were in your room when you felt light headed and dizzy then you passed out on your bed. You woke up and you were in a white room the light blinded you. You groan and saw Liam and the boys all around you give you sad looks you whispered "li." He said "I'm right here baby." He was right next to you You said "what happened?" Harry said "you passed out from the lack of nutrients in your body what drove you to doing this to yourself?" You sighed and said "I felt insecure about my body I didn't feel pretty even know I'm I don't know I just felt disgusting and I felt like no one wanted me." Louis said "love we love you so much and you are a beautiful young girl you are a Payne any ways so of course you would be beautiful and of course everyone wants you." You smiled and said "thank you you guys I love you so much." Liam said "we love you too and we'll help you overcome this." You smiled happy to have these boys with you. They did help you recover from it.

Louis:(age:16): no body knew you were insecure about your self but a couple of fans and girls at your school commented on your Weight that's why you turned to this you didn't want to because you knew how dangerous it was but you had too.You got into your work out clothes and went downstairs and said "Louis I'm going for a run." You didn't hear Louis voice but you heard Harry's and he said "no you aren't." You said "yes I'm what do you mean I'm not?" He said "I know what your doing and I don't like it one bit."You said "how did you find out?" He said "I could tell I'm smarter than you think why are you doing this to your self." You said "because I'm insecure about my body and girls keep on pointing it out and I'm sick of it." He said "don't listen to them you are beautiful just the way you are don't change for anyone."He hugged you and you said "thank you." He said "no problem."

Then Louis came home and you told him he hugged you and said "we'll  help you through this." You nodded happy you have people in your life that care about you.

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