You go to Louis's performance on the x factor

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Louis:(age:12): it was a couple days after your mom died her last wish was for Louis to perform on the X factor and that's where you were right now. You were waiting for him to come on he came on and you started tearing up thinking about how proud your mother would have been of him and how much she was looking forward to this but she didn't make it.

After his performance Simon said a couple of things he said that your mom would be proud of him that broke you. You went backstage and saw Louis and ran to him he hugged you and said "we'll get through this." You nodded.

Liam:(age:13): you were there to support Louis when you saw him on that stage you couldn't believe how strong he was for doing this and how brave he was to get up there and do it.

After the performance you and Liam went backstage Liam gave him a hug and you did too and you didn't let go. Louis said "it will all be okay." You nodded and said "hopefully." And you guys just hugged for a long time.

Niall:(age:14): you guys arrived at the arena and waited until he came on when Louis did you couldn't help but think how proud his mom is of him. And how brave he is to get up on that stage and not break down.

After the performance you guys went backstage and you gave Louis the longest hug ever you didn't want to let him go and you said "I'm here for you." He said "I know." And you guys just hugged.

Harry:(age:15): while watching the performance you couldn't control your emotions they all just came spilling out when you got backstage you were a mess Louis hugged you and you hugged him and said "I'm sorry I tried to be strong for you but I couldn't help it." He said "I understand this is hard for all of us." You nodded and you guys just hugged.

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