You have a panic attack

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Louis:(age:15): you were home alone only for a couple of hours Louis was coming home soon with the boys. You were up in your room when someone came into the house you slowly walked downstairs and saw a man. You quietly went back upstairs grabbed your cell phone and called Louis he picked up on the first ring he said "YN we'll be there soon babe." You were breathing heavily and your chest was getting tighter you said "l-Louis t-there's s-someone I-in t-he h-house." He said "babe stay calm and breath and hang up and call 911." You hung up and called 911 and told them and the police they were on their way you got in a closet and called Louis again you were crying by now he picked up and said "love we are almost there don't move a muscle and just keep breathing." You said "o-okay." Then you heard the door slam open and the police yelled "police put your hands up." They got the burglar and then came upstairs they said "sweetie this is the police were are you?" You got out of the closet and they said "you're safe now and the good thing is we got everything that they took back." You nodded then you saw Louis and ran to him he hugged you tightly and the police explained what happened to him and he said "did they hurt you?" You shook your head no and said "I was terrified I started having a panic attack." He calmed you down and after that day he never left you home alone again.

Liam:(age:16): you were in school and you saw the one guy you never wanted to see again he was your ex and the reason why you never wanted to see him again is because he tried to rape you. You started having a panic attack your friend took you to the nurse to try and calm you down but you said "I-I n-need m-my b-brother n-now." The nurse called your brother and told you he was on his way he arrived and ran over to you and hugged you and you said "l-li I-I c-can't b-breath h-help m-me." He hugged you and said "shh babe calm down and focus on your breathing." You breathed in and out once your breathing was even Liam took you home for the rest of the day and you guys just watched movies with Liam's best friend Andy and Liam asked you "what happened in school today?" You said "he's back." And Liam knew right away who you were talking about he hugged you and said "don't worry I won't let him near you." You nodded happy to have a big protective brother.

Niall:(age:14): you hated speaking in front of the class so when you had to present your project in history and it was your turn your heart started pounding and your breathing became uneven and your chest started to tighten you breathed out "c-can I-I g-go t-to t-the n-nurse." Your teacher allow you to go seeing you were struggling you made it to the nurses office and they called Niall and the nurse told you he was on his way he got there and saw you and hugged you and told you to breath your breathing evened out and you calmed down after you were full recovered Niall took you home in the car he asked "what happened?" You said "I had to present in class." He said "oh now I see."Then you and him just hung out with the boys for the rest of the day.

Harry:(age:17): you were having a nightmare when you woke up and screamed your chest was tight and you couldn't breath Harry came running into your room and hugged you and said "you're okay just breath in and out in and out." You took small breaths while he held you and told you soothing things. After you fully recovered he said "it was just a nightmare." You said "I know but this one was bad and it felt so real." He said "your safe don't worry." You nodded and then he kissed your head you went back into a dreamless sleep.

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