You fail a test

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Louis:(age:12): you never were good in school but you never failed anything but today you got your test back that you studied for but you failed it and had to get it signed by Louis you knew this wasn't going to end well because he wouldn't be happy at all he would be furious with you. You walked in and said "I failed my math test I studied for it and I don't know how I failed but I did." Louis sighed and said "try harder next time ok." You said "I will." He said "good I know you will." He signed it and then you put it in your bag and went to you room and watched tv.

Liam:(age:13): you had really bad depression and didn't do well in school at all so when you failed your English test your weren't surprised nor did you care you seriously didn't care about school at all you had to get it signed you handed it to Liam and he said "can you try and do better on it?" You said "no I'm done with school I'm done with everything." He said "can you try a little bit harder for me?" You said "fine."he said "thank you." He signed it and handed it back to you and you shoved it in your bag and then went to take a nap.

Niall:(age:14): you were a straight A student so when you failed this test you weren't happy about it at all and you knew Niall wouldn't be happy either. you walked in and handed him the test since he had to sign it he was shocked he said "how?" you said "I serouisly don't know I swear this teacher is after me because her daughter was the fan that almost killed me and now she hates me because you sued them." He said "that's bullshit she shouldn't take it out on you." you said "well she does." He signed it and then called the teacher and he said "don't worry she won't be doing that anymore." You said "thank you." He said "no problem sis." Then you guys watched movies the rest of the night.

Harry:(age:15): you were on tour with harry right now so you were getting home schooled they gave you a test and you failed it harry threw it out and said "do it again I know you know this stuff." You sighed knowing he's right you did it again and you passed he said "there you go I knew you had it in you." You said "yeah yeah yeah I know I just don't like test." He said "oh I know that's why we don't give you that many." you said " I know." Then went back to the rest of your work the gave you.

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