He drops you off at college

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*18 in all*

Louis: you were just finishing packing the last things into Louis car him and the boys were going to bring you to your college. You said bye to your step dad and sisters then you got into the car and Louis drove it was a quiet ride there when you got to the dorm and unloaded the car you couldn't help but think about your mom and how proud she would have been of you for getting here. Louis and the boys helped you move everything into your dorm and then Louis said "well I guess this is good bye." You said "you'll see me in 6 months." He said "yeah but it's going to be quiet in the house now and mom would be so proud of you." You said "Is it really I don't think it will be and yeah she would be." You hugged him for a while and you hugged the others too you were going to miss them so much but you knew that you would enjoy college you were excited to start a new chapter in your life.

Then they left and went to the car and you and your room mate got to know eachother and talked.

Liam: he didn't want you to go and you didn't want to go either but he knew this would be good for you and that you would make many memories your sister and parents drove up with you guys too. They helped you put everything into your dorm room and organize everything you started having a panic attack as it came to the last of your things you said "I can't do this." Liam hugged you tightly and said "your going to love it here and think about it you'll be home in 6 months or even less than that I know you can do this." You said "I'm going to miss you so much." He said "I'm going to miss you too." He just hugged you until he had to leave you watched their car leave and then you just sat on your bed waiting for your room mate to come you were excited to meet her but scared at the same time but you knew you were going to enjoy it here and you knew Liam was right.

Harry: gemma and Harry were driving you to your college you packed everything into the car and you said bye to your mom and step dad and then Harry drove it was a quiet ride there none of you said a word you weren't even going that far from home only a couple of miles but you were still going to miss your siblings a lot but you knew you were going to have fun.

They helped you bring everything into your dorm they made sure everything was perfect your room mate walked in and gasped and said "you weren't lying." You said "no these are my siblings Harry and gemma." They said "nice to meet you." Your room mate was shocked and said "I can't wait for this year." You said "me either it's going to be fun."

Then you hugged Harry and gemma they said "we'll see you in 6 months." You said "see you then I'll miss you." Harry said "text us and FaceTime us Every day." You said "I will." Then they left you knew you were going to love it here.

Niall: you were terrified to go you really didn't want to go niall had to carry you to the car. You were shaking the whole way there niall said "you'll be fine you'll love it." You said "what if I don't make any friends?" He said "you will." You said "I don't want to be away from you." He said "you'll see me in 6 months." You sighed you guys got to your dorm and he helped you bring all your stuff into the dorm then you hugged him tightly not wanting to let him go. He said "we'll talk every day." You said "defiantly."

Then he got into the car and left your room mate was amazing she was so nice and kind she was mad that she missed your brother but you told her you guys would go visit him over the year while you were in school she was excited for that now you weren't that worried you made one new friend so far.

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