He takes you to see finding dory

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Harry:(age:2): you were so excited to see finding dory today. You got to the movie theater and he paid for the tickets then you guys got popcorn and went into the movie you guys took your seats. The movie started you were loving it so far. Once it was over you said "again." Harry laughed and said "you loved it." You nodded then you guys left and he got you ice cream.

Niall:(age:3): you loved finding nemo so Niall decided to take you to see finding dory you were so happy you could wait. You waited for the movie to start you didn't take your eyes off the movie you loved it. When it ended you said "I want to see it again!!" Niall laughed and said "maybe next weekend babe." Then you guys went home and you were talking about the movie the whole way home.

Louis:(age:2): he was taking you and your sisters to see finding dory you guys were so excited you also brought your dory stuff animal that you got from Disney. The movie started and you had a smile on your face the whole time. When the movie ended you said "I want to see again and again and again!!!" Louis laughed and said "you loved it that much." You said "yeah!!" You talked about the movie for weeks.

Liam:(age:3): you really wanted to go see finding dory and Liam finally was able to take you. The both of you were excited to see the movie. When the movie started you cheered you smiled through the whole movie. When the movie ended you were sad Liam said "don't worry we'll get it on dvd when it comes out okay." You brighten up and aid "okay." Then the whole way home you went on and on about the movie you loved it and Liam was happy you loved it he loved it too:

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