You get into a fight with your parents

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Louis(age:16): Your dad was yelling at you because you have been acting up and he just caught you smoking you said "you know what it's my life I can do what I want!!" your dad said "your my daughter and I'm trying to keep you safe!!!" you said "this is how I'm copping with this let me cope this way!!" He said "no I'm not going to let you waste your life away!!!" You said "whatever I'm leaving." He said "were do you think your going!?" you said "to Louis's and I'm not going to change my ways!!" he said "your mom wouldn't be happy about this!!!" you froze and said "well she's not here anymore she can't do anything about it!!!" you walked out and slammed the door shut and headed to Louis's house you opened the door and Louis and the boys were there he said "what happened now?" You said "me and dad got in a huge fight because he caught me smoking." Louis said "stop doing this to your self don't go down this path come watch a movie with me and the boys this will help you." You said "I can't handle her not being here." You cried and he hugged you and said "I know but you got to be strong." You nodded and then watched a movie with him and the boys.

Liam(age:17): you were agruing with your mom because she wouldn't let you go to a party you really want to go too. You said "mom I won't be out to late and I won't do anything stupid." She said "yn I said no and no means no end of story." You said "fine then I'm going to Liam's since your being a pain." She said "I'm protecting you!!!" You said "what ever."Then you left and headed to Liam's house you got his house and walked into his house were him and the boys were you said "mom's being a pain in my ass once again she won't let me go to a party I know she's just trying to protect me but she needs to trust me." Liam said "she does trust you but not the people you hangout with." You said "oh." He said "stay here for the night then go talk to mom tomorrow ok." You said "ok." You spent the all night with him and the boys.

Niall:(age:18): you got a tattoo and your dad was not happy about it it was a tiny one but he still didn't like he said "go get it taking off now!!!" You said "no I can't it's permit!!!" He said "then you just lost you phone for 3 weeks!!!" You said "dad this is so unfair I can do whatever I want I'm a adult!!!" He said "but you still live under my house!!!" You said "not anymore I'm moving in with niall!!!" He said "he won't let you!!!" You said "he will he loves me unlike you!!!!"You then packed all your stuff and went to niall's house the boys were there you bragged in you said "I'm moving in since dad flipped on me because I got a tattoo." Niall said "wait you what?!?" You said "I got a small tattoo and dad flipped on me." Niall said "good it's small but did you do it behind his back?" You said "yeah." He said "you shouldn't have done that." You said "I know." The rest of the night you spent it with him and the others.

Harry:(age:14): you were fighting with your mom because once again she was comparing you to Gemma and you didn't like that. You said "mom I'm not Gemma I'm nothing like her and I won't be anything like her I'm my own person!!!" She said "well maybe you should be a little bit more like Gemma instead of getting into trouble!!!" you said "I'm leaving." She said "who are you going to stay with?" You said "Harry and I'm not coming back here!!" You packed all your stuff and headed to Harry's house and you walked in and said "I'm living with you she's comparing me to Gemma again." Harry said "your staying here she needs to stop doing that." You said "I know right."The rest of the night you spent it with Harry and also the boys and just talked you did eventually made up with your mom.

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