You run away

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Louis:(age:14): you were getting bullied and you haven't told anyone about this. You got home you were all alone, you decided to pack a bag and run away. You didn't even write a note you just left. You walked out of the house and just started walking you had no idea where you were going you just kept on walking. You got to a park and just sat there on the swings then you heard someone call your name it was Liam he said "Louis is worried about you why didn't you come home after school?" You said "because I can't deal with people anymore so I decided to run away." He said "this was dangerous what if something happened to you?" You said "I'm fine nothing happened to me." He said "can you tell me what you did it?" You said "because I'm getting bullied I haven't told Louis because I don't want him to worry about me." Liam said "love we all worry about you all the time don't let them get to you." You said "okay." He said "now let's get you home so your brother doesn't have a heart attack." He brought you home and once you got home Louis hugged you and said "that was dangerous." You said "sorry I had a lot on my mind." He said "Like what?" You said "I'm getting bullied in school and it's gotten worse even when I tried to stop it." He said "why didn't you tell me?" You said "because I didn't want you to worry about me." He said "I will always worry about you don't worry I'll fix this it will get better." He hugged you and you smiled happy he is there for you and he will make things better.

Niall:(age:16): School was getting to much for you plus your parents were always yelling at you because you couldn't find a job and also because you were always out with your friends. You just needed to get away from everything so you packed a bag and got on a bus and headed your friend's house and stayed with her and she said "your not going to tell anyone that you are here?" you said "no I need to get away from them and plus the only one that cares is Niall because I live with him and he's very protected over me." She said "he's not going to be happy that you ran away." you said "I know." There was a knock on your friend's bed room door your friend said "come in." It was Harry, Harry said "why didn't you tell Niall you were coming here?" You said " I ran away that's why." He said "why did you run away Niall is worried sick about you and I was too and same with your family and the other boys." You said " It's all to stressful for me I needed to get away from people." He said "that's all you have to tell Niall now let's go back to Niall and explain to him why you did this." He took you home and Niall hugged you tightly when he saw you and he said "that was so dangerous what were you thinking?!?! you could have gotten hurt or worse!!" You said "I'm sorry I got stressed out that's all between school and our parents yelling at me to get a job it's all to stressful for me." He hugged you and said "it will all get better I will help you through all of this." You smiled happy he will be there for you.

Liam:(age:17): You saw all the rumors online about cherly maybe having a baby, that stressed you out because you were to young to be a aunt and you were still in school and trying to find colleges was stressing you out too.You decided just to run away from all your problems you packed a bag and headed off to gosh knows where you got on a train and you ended up in Doncaster. You were just wondering around, When you heard someone call your name it was lottie she said "what are you doing here?" You said "to get my mind off of things." She said "is about cherly and liam?" You said "yeah I'm to young to be a aunt." She said "that's what I thought when Louis had a child but I'm happy now it's scary at first but then you'll fall in love with you niece or nefue." you said "I know but I also have to look for colleges so I'm all stressed out now." She said "don't worry eveything will be fine now let's get you home before Liam has a heart attack." She drove you back to London to Liam's house you got there and he wasn't home yet. You walked inside and cherly was in there she said "where were you?" You said "with lottie I was really stressed out." Liam said "so you ran away you can't just run away from your problems." You said "I know I'm sorry I scared you." He said "it's okay I'm just glad your safe." He gave you a hug and you went into your room and went to sleep.

Harry:(age:14): you ran away to Harry's movie set because you missed him so much and you couldn't handle your parents always comparing you to him. So you packed a bag got a ticket to la and here you were now on Harry's movie set. You waited until they went to break and then found him Harry came over to you and said "yn what the hell were you thinking!!!" You said "well nice to see you too." He said "mom and dad are worried sick about you." You said "well I'm sick of them comparing me to you so that's why I ran away." He sighed and said "this was so dangerous I'm getting you a plane ticket when I get back and your going home tonight I love you and I'll be back very soon and I'll speak to mom and dad okay." You said "yeah." You guys hugged and then you headed back to the hotel and called your parents and apologized to them for running away.

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