You're "dead"

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Louis:(age:17): you were at the mall with your friends and Louis and the boys were at home watching tv when the news came on and said "3 teenage girls were driving back from the mall in a Range Rover and it flipped over." Harry said to your brother "hey mate have you heard from your sister recently." Louis said "not recently I talked to her a couple of hours ago and she said they were leaving the mall and heading to a restaurant." Niall said "then you should probaly check this out." He walked over to the tv and said "no this can't be true." As he said that you and your friends walked in he hugged you tightly and said "thank goodness your okay I thought you were dead." You said "we're fine but that car that was on the news was our car because the girls were high and they thought it was their car and they got in it we already told the police." He said "good and we'll get a new one since that one is totaled and we're pressing charges to who ever stole it."You said "okay." Then you guys just watched tv the rest of the day.

Liam:(age:16): Liam had the boys over and they were watching tv when a breaking news story came in saying that a girl your age was found dead in a ally. Louis said "hey mate where did your sister go?" Liam said "she went to a party with her friends why." Harry said "come check this out." He walked over to the tv and saw what it said it said a girl was rapped and beated to death he said "this can't be her she's at a party." He tried calling you but you didn't pick up he started panicing thinking this girl was you. He texted you, and called you a couple more times still nothing this worried him and Niall said "mate it wasn't her you would have gotten a call or something it was a girl name Gina YN is probaly safe." He said "how do you know for sure?!" Then the door opened and you walked in saying "I'm alive everyone can stop worrying I'm not that wasted." You giggled and your friends just laughed at you and Liam came over and gave you a tight hug and said "why didn't you answer me when I called you?" you said "I dropped my phone in the toliet." He said "thank goodness you're okay and I'll get you a new one." You said "okay." Then you went upstairs and got changed and then took a shower and brushed your teeth and went to bed.

Niall(age:15): He saw in the newspaper a girl had gone missing and she looked like you but he shook it off because he knew it wasn't you. Later that afternoon the boys were watching the news Liam said "hey mate where's your sister at?" He said "I don't know mate why?" He walked in and saw the news and saw that same girl that went missing this morning her car was found and so was her car. He was hopping and praying that you weren't in that car with that girl because that girl was a friend of yours. He called you and you picked up he sighed in releife and said "where are you?" you said "you know that girl that looked a lot like me Jess well she died a couple mintues ago so I'm at her house right now with my friend." He said "okay I'm glade your okay thought." You said "did you think it was me?" He said "yeah." You said "I figured I'm fine don't worry we'll be home in a hour." He said "okay see you then love you." You said "love you too." He hung up and said to the boys "she's okay but that was her friend." They said "oh." Then contuided watching tv.

Harry(age:14): you were at a party and you passed out on the couch and spent the night there but you didn't tell your brother. You woke up the next morning and saw a billion text messages and phone calls from your brother you called him back he picked up on the first ring and said "oh thank gosh." You said "did you think I was dead?" He said "yeah were are you we're coming to get you." You said "at my friends house that the party was at I passed out on the couch that's why I didn't call or anything." He said "I'm glad your okay." A couple mintues later him and the boys came and got you.

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