You see your ex "friend"

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Liam:(age:17): you and your friends were shopping at the mall when you saw the one person you didn't want to see ever again Chole you Ignored her and walked away she said "YN wait." You stopped and said "what do you want?" She said "I want to apologize for using you do you think we can start over and try again?" You said "no you hurt me and btw my brother doesn't like you because of what you did to me."Then you guys walked out of the mall and headed home. You got home and Liam and the boys were there you said "hey boys." They said "hey how was the mall?" You said "it was all going well until I saw Chole again she asked me to be friends with her again and I said no." Liam said "good I really don't like her for what she did to you." You said "yeah I know I told her that." Then you guys just hung out for the rest of the day.

Louis:(age:16): you were throwing a party your whole school was there even the one person you didn't want to be there Nicole. She came over to you and said "I'm sorry for what I did to you I was stupid you are a lovley girl and I really hopped our friendship would have lasted longer do you think we can try again?" Louis saw what was happening and watched you closley you said "no you made me feel like crap I was the stupid one for letting you into my life just so you could met your idols which by the way they hate you now I'm not going to be stupid again and let you back into my life."Then she left and Louis came over and said "what did she say?" You said "she wanted to be my friend again but I said no I told her you guys hate here." Harry said "we don't hate her we just don't like her." Then you guys enjoyed the rest of the party.

Niall:(age:13): you and your friends were at a concert with your brother. Then you saw the one girl you hated the most may. She said "I'm sorry for what I did to you it was wrong do you think you can give me another chance?" You said "no I don't trust many people and I was stupid enough to trust you but now I realize that I can't trust many people because of you."Then she left, Niall said "what did she want?" You said "she wanted to be friends with me again I said no." He said "good I really don't like her." You said "yeah I don't either."

Harry:(age:15): you were hanging out at your house with your friends when there was a knock at the door you opened it and it revealed haily. You said "what do you want?" She said "I want to say I'm sorry for using you to get to your brother do you think you can give me one more chance?" You said "no I don't like you anymore and I don't trust you so it's a big fat no." Then she left Harry came Down and asked "who was that?" You said "haily she wanted to be friends with me again but I told her no." He said "good I don't like her." Then you went back to hanging out with your friends.

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