Justin wants to get back together with you

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*age 18 in all*

Niall: there was a knock at the door it's been a month since you broke up with Justin. You opened the door and he was there you were about to slam it shut and he said "just listen." You crossed your arms and said "go on." He said "I know what I'm doing isn't right but it's my choice I don't want to ineract with them anymore." You said "I understand that but you are the one of the celebertie that is letting fame get to your head and you're forgetting how you got to where you are that's why I broke up with you and who got you here." He sighed and said "so you won't take me back?" You said "hell no because you haven't change once you do maybe."Then you close the door and he left Niall said "why was he here?" You said "he wanted me back but I said no because he hasn't change." He said "good." Then you guys spent the rest of the day throwing out pictures of you and Justin.

Harry: it's been 8 weeks since you broke up with Justin. One day you and Harry were at the mall and you saw Justin you walked in the other direction but it was to late he saw you. He said "YN wait." You turned around and said "what?" He said "I'm sorry." You said "don't apolgize to me apolgize to your fans." He said "I'm not going to do that because I needed to do this for myself." You said "than you haven't changed you let the fame get to your head goodbye Justin and you're selfish too ." He said "so you won't take me back?" You said "not until you change the way you are acting." Then you guys left Harry said "good thing you said no to him." You said "I know what I'm doing but he doesn't." Then you guys went home and burned all of Justin's stuff.

Liam: you were out with Liam and cherly seeing a movie and apperently so was Justin he came up to you and said "hi." You said "hi." He said "listen I know your still mad at me but its been a couple of weeks now do you think you could give me one more chance?" You said "no because I don't like the way you are treating your fans I don't like that you only care about your self I'm sorry but once you change maybe."Then you Liam and cherly went into the movie Liam said "you handled that well." You said "yup I just told him the truth." Then you guys got your tickets and went to enjoy the movie.

Louis: you saw Justin with the same girl that he cheated on you with. He came over to you and you said "don't even try and ask me to take you back because the answer is no I never want to see you again." He said "okay that's all I needed to know." Then you left and went home you got home and Louis said "you okay?"you said "I'm great I saw Justin and he wanted me back but I said no he had the nerve to bring his girlfriend with him and ask me." Louis said "he's such a ass."you said "I know right." Then you watched tv with Louis.

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