You cut and a 5SOS boy catches you

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Louis(age:18): you were on tour with your boyfriend Calum while they were touring the uk. The true fans loved you but the haters got to you bad, you tried not to let them get to you but they did and you didn't dare to tell your brother or boyfriend so you turned to self harm.It was really hot today and you and the others were going to the beach you kept you sweatshirt on while the others went in the water you just sat under the umbrella so you weren't to hot Ashton came over and said "I know your secret." He said with sad eyes you figured he would figure it out first because he use to do it. You said "I'm sorry the hate is to much." He said "then talk to Calum don't turn to this or talk to your brother or me cause this isn't the answer." You said "I will." And he hugged you and you hugged back. Then he said "let me see." You showed him and he sighed and drew a butterfly on your wrist and said "now if you hurt this butterfly you broke our promise ok." You nodded he hugged you again.You took off your long sleeve shirt which revealed your bikin top and your cuts some new some old calum saw them and froze and you were surprise to see your brother and the other boys there too. Louis saw too and they both came over to you and said "Why?" You said "haters have been sending me hate and it just got to me I was afraid to tell you guys that's why I didn't." Louis said "we'll help you overcome this don't worry we won't let anyone else hurt you just please don't do this." You hugged him and said "thank you." He said "no problem." Then calum and the others joined the hug and at that moment you knew you would stop this.

Liam(age:13): the bullying got to much they constantly put you down and you didn't want to tell Liam because you were scared. So you turned to hurting yourself by taking a lighter and burning your self. You got home from school and went into your room and closed the door you cried and took out the lighter that you stole from Louis. You made 10 new burns on you side it felt good to you. There was a knock on the door and someone came in it was Luke from 5SOS he saw and said "hand me the lighter." You shook your head he said "YN seriously hand me the lighter now." You handed it to him and he put it in his pocket and sat you on his lap on your bed and said "why?" You said "people in school constantly put me down and make me feel like crap and they also hurt me." He hugged you and said "does your brother know this?" You shook your head no then Luke called Liam up to your room Liam walked in and saw that you were crying he came over to you and hugged you and said "what's wrong?" You said "I get bullied in school and I burn myself because it got that bad I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry." He said "sweetie I'll always worry about you that's my job don't worry I'll help you stop this and I'll make the bulling stop." You said "thank you." He said "anything for you." You knew you would stop doing this to your self because Liam will help you through this.

Niall(age:15): you have depression but you didn't tell anyone not even your friends you didn't want to feel this way or do this to yourself but you did and it was getting wrose everyday and it was scarring you. The 5SOS boys and the other boys  were over too,you walked downstairs and said "calum can I talk to you for a moment." He said "yeah sure." You guys went up to your room and you said "I have depression and I've been hurting myself and I don't want to this anymore I'm scaring my self it keeps on getting wrose everyday." You showed him your arms and he hugged you and said "don't worry we'll fix this." You nodded and he hugged you.

The others came upstairs and saw this your brother asked "what's going on?" You told him everything he hugged you and said "Calum's right we will most defiantly help you get over this okay?" You nodded into his chest you smiled and you knew you would get better.

Harry(age:17:) your parents put a lot of pressure on you they wanted you to be like Gemma you've told them many times that you aren't Gemma and they would just yell at you and Harry was in la right he was coming home this week but he didn't know you turned to hurting yourself because of all the pressure your parents were putting on you.Ashton from 5SOS who is also your best friend was staying with you guys while he was on a break. You were hurting your self because once again your mom said to be more like Gemma you didn't hear the door open all you knew was one minute you had the razor in your hand the next it was on the floor and Ashton was on top of you saying "why?" You said "my parents put to much pressure on me to be like Gemma." He said "just do your own thing don't let your parents get to you either please stop this." During all of this Harry was by the door he came in and hugged you and Said "don't worry we'll fix this and help you." You nodded and you did get better but it took a really long

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