Yellow Sleeping Bag|C2|

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THE brunette reached over the pile of clothes, sitting crossed legs against the Japanese wooden floor. She took one shirt and shook it out to get rid of the wrinkles and began to fold them.

The sound of the fabric echoed the small living room. It consisted a wooden coffee table beside him, accompanied by a small fan on the top facing her way and a old wooden cupboard was placed at the left side corner.

Across the room on the southern corner connected to a medium sized kitchen; short counter and massive oven, which then lead to a bakery.

A thundering footsteps replaced the peaceful atmosphere. A man entered the room, with identical brunette hair. He dropped to his knees, a grin of excitement plastering on the man's face; extending his arm that held an envelope.

"It's here!"

Haruna grabbed the envelope from her father's open palm, him backing away as he watched his daughter tear the envelope before swiftly taking the paper.

Smoothening down the turquoise apron, he rested his hand on his lap.

A small circular object fell from the envelope, causing the father and daughter to exchange glances. Taking the object to her hand, she pressed a finger against it. A light emerged from the button, forming of what it seemed like a hologram appeared before them.

"Yo, yo, yo! Hello my beautiful niece and brother in law!"

Her father's smile widened.

"To keep this short, since the staff knows me too well that I would create a whole paragraph to expressmy proudness- ok ok I'll say it now Aizawa no need to glare at me- I am happy to tell you; Haruna Hirabayashi that you are able to gain the score of 75 and placing second in the entrance exam! I pronounce you as soon to be part of U.A and as a student hero in training!"

Her father squeaked and stood up, dancing around the small room.

Jumping around in happiness, eyes tearing up as he looked back at his calm daughter whom only smiled at his reaction.

"I'm so proud of you- Papa's so proud of you!" He glomped on his daughter, a heartfelt small chuckle escaped Haruna as she hugged her father back.

"Mama will be proud!"

"Yeah..." Haruna relaxed in his arms.

"She will..."


Months had passed, and the first thing Haruna did was arrive early to the classroom. Which gave her a head start to get used to the new environment around her.

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