Only Live Once (88)

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After a powerful delivered punch, the green haired skid across the ground next to where Iida's wounded figure laid.

Breathing heavily, Midoriya thought of how he was just previously passing by on a bullet proof train with Gran Torino when they were suddenly attacked by a Nomu. A monstrous creature whom went against All Might during the first attack in U.A.

But this time he was told to stay inside the train while the Heroes handled the whole situation, yet when his gaze wondered at the scene through the gaping hole where his mentor and the Nomu disappeared, it revealed the city almost in ruins.

Something within him had been triggered and his body moved just as his mind continued to think.

If Hosu was under attack by a Nomu- it meant the League of Villain were present.

Did that mean the Hero Killer was also working along side them?

Midoriya caught glimpsed of Manual, Iida's mentor, who was fighting against a Nomu along with other Heroes.

But his friend was no where in place.

That made him realised.

Iida choose the place in order to track down and fight the Hero Killer, and when he was finally by himself away from his classmates. After the numerous questions and reassurance, Iida had snapped.

Midoriya and the breadstick girl feared that what they had been discussing were turning out to be true.

If they could have done more...

"Midoriya-kun... Why?" Iida painfully yelled out, his whole body paralysed.

He did not understand why and how the brocolli haired appeared out of nowhere.

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