Confrontation (66)

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WHILE Hizashi was indulged in trying to save his tongue from the curry they ate, the mentioned of its spices was completely forgotten when he left the Bakugou Household.

The breadstick girl stared down at her food and ate quietly.

Glancing at her grandfather who was clearly finding the whole situation of her uncle's pain amusing, she scooped her spoon into the bowl next to her and began sipping the soup.

"HOT! HOT!" Her uncle chanted while his eyes watered at the stinging pain, as he fanned his mouth

"Give me more milk please!"

"That's our last bottle for today Oji-san." Haruna bluntly said, before eating a spoon of her rice.

The whole table sweat dropped at the suffering blonde as he opted out for the jug of water instead, quickly pouring a whole glass before desperately chugging it down.

"That's that's the caused of being impatient nii-chan," Natsuko shook her head, standing up to refill the jug and walked towards the kitchen.

"Hizashi-bro, I think you forgot when the food is bright red it's not meant to be eaten in one go." Haru gazed with concern for his brother in law.

"That's fine, that's fine, show how strong you are Hizashi!" Jiji patted the blonde and grabbed another spoonful of the curry.

"Are you trying to kill him?!" Haru called for his father, pointing a finger at him in accusation, "Why don't you try it!"

"Of course." Everyone quiet down and watched as the old man ate the curry without any hesitation.

A few seconds of silence, Jiji smiled and took another serve.

"That's a bit sweeter than I expected."

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