For Now (93)

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"YOU really had an upgrade Haru-chan!"

The pink haired let her finger tun through the end of the sleeve fabric on the brunette haired excitedly, "Kimono really suits you!"

"Thank you... Ashido-san."

"Just call me Mina!" She wrapped her arm around the breadstick girl, her head leaning against hers, "After all we're friends right?"



"Awe Haru-chan! Why are you so cute!" Ashido squealed and began walking down the hallway with the breadstick girl while the other girls followed.

Unsure what to do, Haruna let the pink haired drag her and clung to her arm. Every step the belt around her body tightened and rubbed against her.

"You seemed really prepared Hirabayashi," Yaoyorozu timidly followed on the other side, "I saw you wearing leather harness below your costume...are you sure you'll be alright? After all your waist was injured previously."

"It is a bit tighter..." Haruna replied quietly, causing the others to halt as the raven haired volunteered to adjust the belt underneath.

"Would you like me to adjust it for you?" Yaoyorozu suggested as they reached their meeting destination.


"It's alright Haru-chan, we got you covered ribbit." Asui smiled reassuringly knowing how the brunette was reluctant of removing her Kimoni in public.

"Alright girls! Formation!" Uraraka yelled, gaining attention from the other males from afar and the number one Hero standing in front of the bus.

Haruna || Boku No Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now