Resurrection of Hero's Pride (56)

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Warning: Long chapter ahead :D

Warning: Long chapter ahead :D

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"EXCUSE me, sorry..." The foreign idol lifted his legs awkwardly, smiling sheepishly at the eyes of audiences as he came by.

Although the mask covered his mouth, the way his moon shaped eyes was lifted in a way that matched his intention.

Holding the wrapped paper bag to his chest, he pursed his lips before he reached his seat. Plopping down in relief, he pulled down the back surgical mask and leaned back in exhaustion.

Rubbing the bracelet they were give at the entrance for safety and security measure, in accordance to the school and police department. It was to make sure that the previous incident would not be repeated again.

Meaning, everyone was limited to where they were allowed to go and were tracked down if they crossed the said location.

'And here I thought being an idol would give me advantage at running...'


The grey haired flinched at the sound of the bullets echoing from the arena in front of them, "It started already?"

His brown eyes snapped where the familiar brunette was crouch down, her pony tail fluttering slightly behind her before resting on her back.

Her whole figure surrounded with blue hue that continued to glow down when she stood up; heaving heavily.


Bowing forward, Haruna pushed her legs to sprint in zig zag direction in attempt to avoid the never ending bullets that was aimed towards her. Whistling past from the side of her face, Haruna kept with the same motion while nearing the red haired.



The breadstick girl tilted her head slightly, to feel the heat from the small object that brushed passed her jaw line.

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