Awakening (89)

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SHE was only 3 years old when her aunt first babysat her, during that time; both of her parents were in a Hero week duty.

The memory was vague so recalling the reason at that time was difficult, she may have been a child packed with insatiable curiosity yet it did not equalise to how much she could remember.

She remembered a certain scene with her aunt whereby she was just normally cooking their lunch, while the young brunette was in her crib playing with a ball when the woman suddenly started acting crazy.


She kept shouting, and began rapidly turning off the stove and the oven.

While the aunt was sprinting to the other side of the kitchen and switching her inside slippers into her outside shoes, the baby Haruna continued to suck on her pacifier.

Then before she could process what was happening, the door clicked closed and the house was succumbed with silence.

The young Hirabayashi paused and her wide hazel eyes blinked at the door.

Before she decided to fall sideway on her small mattress and play with her foot.

Then after a few seconds, the door slammed opened and her little figure was grabbed.

"Sorry I forgot about you- Bear with me Haruna-chan- we're going to be running to the convenient store."

And the woman did, whilst carrying her niece in her arms under the falling Sun.

It was such a simple and odd day, but it was one of the memories that the breadstick treasured, since it was the oldest memory she could look back to.

Why did she remember that specific day?

It was because instead of rushing to the convenient store in arms of her aunt, Haruna was now sat behind her mentor while they raced through the high street with her motorcycle.

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