Unanswered Questions|22|

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UNOTICED by the teacher, another crumpled paper hit the back of the breadstick's girls head.

Bouncing off as it landed on her head, Takehiko quickly caught the paper before it could hit the floor.

Glancing at their Literature teacher Cementoss, who's back was facing their way before the blonde took the chance to shoot the paper towards the recycling bin on the left side corner of the room.

"Yes..." Takehiko leaned forward to his desk to try catch the attention of the brunette beside him as she copied notes from the board.

"Hey Hirabayashi...um," Making sure his whisper could not reach the teacher in front of them.

"What did you say to Bakugou that made him keep.. throwing crumpled paper at you?"

Scheming through her notes, Haruna clicked her pen and shrugged- on time for another paper to hit the back of her neck, which the blonde beside her quickly moved to catch the falling paper.

The whole class was too, trying to figure out why the number one hot head was 'enjoying' using the breadstick girl's head as a target for his crumpled notes.

Takehiko exhaled quietly and turned his neck around, he began gestured to the ash blonde to stop.

Their silent- eye? conversation went like this;

'I'm going to get into trouble!'

'Then stop catching them dumbass!' The hot head sneered and send a middle finger.


'Go back to your job trash boy.'

'You're the one who-!'

Takehiko sat up straight-shoving the paper into his blazer- and flipped his book followed by the others nearby doing the same when Cementoss turned around to scan his class.

The poor blonde was rushing to write the notes from the board which the teacher thought he was a very keen student.

In contrast to the breadstick girl beside him whom was turning her page slowly, before filling in the blanks from their textbook.

Soon the bell rang which signalled the end of the class, leaving Cementoss to wave good bye to his class and slide the door open. His students began to pack their bags, glad that their lessons finished at last.

Haruna slid her books inside her bag and grabbed her headphones, hanging it around her neck before zipping her bag closed.

"Nice catch Take." Kirishima approached Takehiko who was busy finishing his notes that he had missed half of the lesson.

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