Welcome To The Family|51|Haruna

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FROM the wriggle of the small tail of the pup, to its small snouts accompanied with the black fur wrapping around its upper body while the his other lower limbs was covered with white fur stared back at her.

Haruna debated whether she had gone completely deaf from the rain that continued to pour down on her umbrella or all of her senses just seemed to shut down to the unknown appearance of the small creature looking up at her.

With her other hand occupied with her navy green umbrella as a roof against the torrential water, it was a coincidence that her right hand was used as a chewing toy by the puppy.

Its baby teeth clung against her finger, and shaking its head as its blue round orbs glared back at her.

Even if the breadstick girl could not feel its sharp small fangs tried digging into her hand, she does not feel the pain. But to see how persistent the puppy was trying to scare her...

She felt herself stop breathing at the sight.

'small...' the breadstick hanging from her lips tilted slight at she gaped at the blue eyes. Adorable? maybe that was what she would describe it, but by the way it was fighting back stubbornly despite the size difference...

'aggressive little... sushi...'

"Hirabayashi." The brunette let the small puppy knawed at her finger, before letting her head rotate where the voice was located.

Standing next to the convenient store, where that Hirabayashi was technically supposed to go to, was the son of Number Two Hero.

Haruna wondered what was one of the top students doing on the part where she lived.

The breadstick girl blinked, a little taken back but adjusted her position from crouching until she was slightly facing him.

"Todoroki-san..." Glancing at the dark fabric bag he was holding.

The half-white-half-red haired noticed her glance, and raised it a little before nonchalantly replying, "I came with my sister to buy food for dinner."

Although he'd rather leave without speaking to his classmates, and had wanted to train; his sister had been one of the person that could at least order him around despite with cold protest.

Looking at the dog that hadn't let go of the brunette's hand, and returning his attention to the blank expression that the breadstick girl was giving.

Just like his father...

His stare hardened that made Haruna straightened up and pull her hand carefully away from the mouth of the dog, not liking how the usual quiet and decent guy before her was now peering down at her with lack of mercy.

Haruna || Boku No Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now