Sports Festival|26|

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THE cry of the man with brunette hair caught the attention around him, blowing his nose on the piece of tissue he held and began waving it around as he screamed for his daughter.

"I'm so proud of my daughter..." A person next to him leaned away, to avoid being slapped by the said tissue.

The guy was already freaked out by the appearance of the father that continued to hit the box of tissue against he railing, apparently it was a way to catch his daughter's attention.

Ironically, Haru wore an attire that consist a long coat with blue 'H' written behind him, a white bandana that had the name painted 'Haruna Hirabayashi', tied around his forehead, a pair japanese wooden slippers, a banner that was stuck to the pole in front of him, a huge flag with hearts and a picture of his daugher.

Cheering for his daughter while crying his eyes out, his volume grew louder when the breadstick girl emerged from the entrance.

"GO GO HARU-CHAN!" He chanted, grabbing a handful of tissues and used it as his pom-poms as a flag to flutter around.


So to say that Haruna was glad she didn't performed face to face in front of these people, knowing that her father would have jumped on the stage and use a mic to shout how much he loved her.

His love and support was appreciated.

But Haruna preferred her space, and gaining more attention was the last thing she would want.

Feeling already a bit anxious at the heavy stares she earned from her nearby classmates as she made her way towards their line.

Deadpanning at her father, a retired hero that if no one pointed it out. No one would have known.

The applause from the crowd and other students made her claustrophobic, although the field was large. It felt cramped and small.

"Hirabayashi is like an awkward penguin, a cute penguin at that." Kaminari grinned.

"Penguin? More like a bunny." Kirishima tilted his head to the side.

"Haru-chan!" The short brown haired called out, waving her arms enthusiastically.

Noticing her short haired friend, Haruna gave a slight wave before circling around to avoid getting stuck on the crowd and stood next to the Monkey-cool-with-tail classmate.

Ojiro let out a small chuckle, "You sure did gain a lot of attention Hirabayashi-san."

The blonde feeling- almost -sympathetic when the breadstick girl brought her shoulders closer to her.

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