Falling Into Abyss (74)

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"YOU'RE a murderer..."

The brunette stared breathless at her cousin whose eyes were bulging open, dark pupils visibly shrunken.

She watched as his shoulder began to tremble, inching away from her while his expression transitioned to confusion, fear, and realisation.

He tried to understand... but he was too caught up with his own emotions...

Afraid of how her cousin was reacting, she moved her left hand to reach out to him to get him to simmer down- but was reluctant when his words echoed in her mind.

Clearly hurt, she pushed her emotions aside and forced her body to move.

Moving to stand up, she called out to him softly.


"Don't touch me! S-stay away!"

When he stumbled on his bottom when she neared his space, he immediate began crawling away from her.

Tears cascading down his cheeks and chest heaving heavily.

"Y-you killed her!" He screamed at her.

She flinched and bit her lip.

"Get away!" Grabbing a handful o dirt, he threw it towards her looming figure.

Haruna moved to block them, yet some of them got passed and hit her eyes. Showering over her head, and falling onto her shoulders.

Ken took this time to slip away from her sight when she was rubbing her eyes, and began ran away from her opposite direction her came from.

Haruna || Boku No Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now