The Truth (69)

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2 HOURS, that was how long it had been since the two men made an appearance and her classmates ran in to chase after the Hero Killer.

However as expected, like what the young brunette had guessed.

They were gone like a mist in the air, no where to be found and the CCTV camera outside did not reach where they had disappeared to.

With police officers and a detective on sight, the four students and Hirabayashi family were stood a few feet from the mall.

There were twice as security around the said area, in and out and had made people to leave immediately due to the spotting of the Villain.

"Seems like they were just here coincidently, but it doesn't make any sense of why they would be in shopping mall out in the open when one of them is a class S villain."

The cat detective told the head of police, glancing where the teenagers sat by the fountain.

"We're still trying to ID who the pink haired with him was, as there's a possibility he's the one helping Stain run around without being detected."

Ken scanned his cousin's face, furrowing his eye brows as he shook in concern, "A-are you sure he didn't do anything to you?"

"I'm fine Ken-san." Haruna smiled a little before looking down on her lap, not being to look at him any longer because of the swirling of guilt that was eating her.

The hot head's scoff did not go unnoticed.

"But those Pro Hero won't be." He sneered.

"Your stupid ass is too slow!"

Haru raised an eye brow at the ash blonde's attitude beside his nephew.

Haruna || Boku No Hero AcademiaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu