Tranquillity (64)

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Edited: 05/08/2020

Edited: 05/08/2020

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THERE had been days where Haruna was suddenly brimming with confidence, her instinct that pulsed through her never stopping.

Whenever she witnessed someone who was struggling, or when she found the source of their suffering.

It was like as if her mind had paused the moment and made everything around her to flow in slow motion.

Giving her time to be able to comprehend what was happening, and everything she would see would strangely pieced a puzzle from her past. 


The can fell from the vending machine, followed by another.

The brunette reached over and stood up, holding the two energy drink before proceeding towards the ash blonde that was sat by the steps.

They were currently still in front of the academy, the others had left and bid their farewell to leave the two alone.

It was an odd sight to many, since the ash blonde was always agitated whenever someone would even utter a word near his presence. Or one glance at him, was like daring him for a challenge.

Takehiko and Kirishima walked off not too far to wait for their friends, in case if something were to happen that would set Bakugou off like he did earlier.

He was a walking bomb after all.

"I'm a bit worried for the two you know?"

Kirishima told Takehiko as they continued down the hill, arms resting behind his head as he watched the clouds move steadily.

"Seeing him get mad at Midoriya up close, he sure hasn't changed that much... there's still that grumpy side of him."

"Yeah." Takehiko could not help but take another glanced at the gate of their school.

Haruna || Boku No Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now