Waiting & Acceptance (58)

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The flame roared higher than the stadium, its blazing heat coming in contact with surface of windows before retracting back into a swirl of smoke.

"Midoriya is out of bounds! Todoroki moves to the third round!"

On the screen soon revealed the broccoli haired leaned against the wall, skin and clothes torn, completely out of the bound while Todoroki stood frozen on the other side after the explosion.

Half of his top burned off, while smoke steamed through their surrounds, he stared where his rival stood.

Throughout the whole battle, it seemed that they were both speaking to each other.

But although it was obviously impossible for everyone to actually hear what they were saying, they were shouting at each other.

And some point of the time where Todoroki released his fire, the camera moved where his father was.

Laughing in a manner that took mostly everyone off. Obviously her uncle was to comment about it- thinking Endeavor was encouraging his son.

For Haruna, it was different of how her father would cheer for her.

Either way, it definitely- kind of - calmed, distracted, the ash blonde beside her.

From the corner of her eyes, he seemed to stiffened and was a bit surprised of the outcome seeing his childhood friend loosing. But just as quick the fire diminished, his expression returned back to what - she would guessed was- 'normal'.

Diverting her attention back to the screen, she would not blame anyone to be taken back after what had just occurred.

From the past training or battle, no one in the school had ever witnessed the son of Endeavour to use his left side.

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