Sincerity (53)

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"Who invented maths, I just wanted to discuss something important." Ashido exhaled out loud while clutching her head, inching closer where the others were stood by.

"You found that hard too Mina-chan?" Asui came greeting the pink haired, whom leaned her throbbing head to the frog girl's shoulder.

"Of course," Ashido mumbled, her brain completely roasted from the never ending test that kept attacking from every direction.

"My brain cells wasn't prepared for the last question. First question was always a trap to make us think it's going to be easy..."

"That's odd, I thought the middle question was more difficult than the last question since it's based on finding the original value for n."

"Huh? What value? The last question was about John's farm or something right?" Mina straightened up and turned to the raven haired.

"Did you even get the same question as us Yaomomo-chan?"

"You mean the crop yield per acre part?" The vice president tilted her head to the side.

"Wasn't that the question before number 31?"

Hearing that there was another digit added for the 'last' question, the colour on the pink haired's began to drain causing Tsuyu to wrap her arms around the lost soul that fell backwards.

"I don't think she knew that the number 31 existed..." Uraraka stared wide eyes at the fainted figure of their classmate.

"That's why they give us 10 minutes to go through the questions." Jiro deadpanned, also feeling melancholy for the pink haired.

After making sure all of her equipment were back in her green pencil case, there was no choice for Haruna but to watch the whole thing unfold.

Noticing that Asui was struggling to keep balanced, she looked at Urarara and Asui, before and tilting her head and gestureddown to her chair.

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